The Black Empress

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I was naked when I woke up.

And that was probably why I was extremely nervous. 

Well not naked naked persay. I had bandages on. 

When my eyes opened, I was lying on a bed that definitely wasn't my own as I heard what sounded like frustrated voices in the background... 

At the same time, I felt a pair of gentle hands slowly wrapping gauze around my bare crotch, before stopping to feel my forehead, as if checking for a fever, and adjusting a cold soaked towel over me. 

I groaned, unable to really move much except maybe twitching my muscles and fingers. 

"Shhh, hold still Imouto-chan.. jeez, if you fidget too much I can't finish."

"IMOUTO!? Really!? You have the GALL to call him that after I find you in here STRIPPING him-."

"I'm pretty sure it's a Her now! Can't change that, even the Soul is female shaped and you know how gods and gender work, it's not up to us!"

"Th-that's not the point!! What with the way you were dressed- it was almost as if-."

"I can't help that Egyptian gods all seem to be nearly naked when they're in the clothes of their culture! its a desert society, get a grip!!"

 My vision seemed to clear up a little as I saw what appeared to be Trisha sitting above me, still in her god form, her wounds seemed to be gone.. 

She was kneeling on the bed next to my torso, busy with gently wrapping my naked body in bandages and rubbing strange oil into my most sore areas, causing them to sting with pain, though I couldn't react because I was so exhausted, I couldn't even move my mouth no matter how much I struggled to. 

Behind her was Tomoe, dressed in her school uniform, looking positively livid. 

"YOU SHIT HEAD CROCODILE!!" Tomoe screamed as fiery sparks seemed to jump right out of her eyes. "Are you even CONSIDERING what he's going to THINK when he wakes up!?  He'll probably think you're raping him or something!!"

"Oh would you rather I let her die then!?" snapped Trisha. 

"NO, but there are other LESS SUGGESTIVE MEANS OF HEALING HIM!!" Tomoe roared. "METHODS THAT DON'T INVOLVE FLAPPING his new BOOBIES FOR HIM TO SEE! You know he still can't even look at himself in the mirror!! This is going to be VERY VERY embarrassing for him!!"

"I can't help that the only medical training I got was in the very lewd looking ones okay!?" Trisha growled, her teeth seeming to become more pointed like a reptile with rage, her face positively blushing. "My pantheon comes from a desert society like I said.. EVERYONE was naked!! Hell, if you weren't royalty, chances are you walked around with no clothes a LOT.. kids were naked in the streets for the most part!!"

"Su-such.. naughty.." Tomoe was now blushing too, looking scandalized. 

"Silence.. Amaterasu. Do not be so naive. It was a desert society as Sobek pointed out, it was merely the best way to survive in that climate, she cannot help how scantilly clad her Goddess Form ended up being after she obtained it.." said another familiar voice. 

Mina was sitting in the back of the room on a sofa, watching quietly.  

"W-well I mean, its not like she hates it in particular!" Tomoe growled. "Look at what she wears when she's a mortal!!"

"Ghh.. ghh.." I moaned, but nothing I said seemed to be loud enough to get their attention. Meanwhile the knowledge of my own nudity was now really messing with my head as I felt myself grow colder on the outside and hotter on the inside with extreme panic. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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