I Meet a Crocodile Lady

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"Its odd, I can't say I've ever seen anything like it.." 

The crime scene in Bogota's Munoz Estate was definitely the weirdest one that Olivia Jackson ever witnessed in her short career as UN Detective. 

As she stepped over the door's threshold, into the fancy office, she found everything pristine. No broken glass, no shattered windows or broken concrete, and yet.. for some reason, the corpse lying behind crime scene tape and traced by chalk, looked like it had been utterly crushed by something of incredible force.

"Have to say, if I had to come to an early conclusion.." grunted the medical examiner as he looked over the body. "I'd say it was an animal bite."

"An animal bite? Really?" Olivia muttered.  "But it looks so mangled."

"That's the confusing part, the jaws that bit down on this poor soul have to have been massive." said the examiner. "And the PSI of the bite measured by our instruments put it around the 64000 range, which far exceeds the strongest on living record, the Saltwater Crocodile." 

"Yeah, I don't even think Saltwater Crocodile skulls can get that large." another detective stepped forward. A keen eyed looking tan skinned man, Alejandro, apparently head investigative officer for the UN's Colombian office, stepped up from behind Olivia. 

He wore a bowler hat and a light gray coat, which seemed to contradict the weather of Colombia, leading Olivia to believe he spent most of his time out of country (still weird since if she was hot she'd definitely take off her jacket no matter where she was from).  He had a thick beard and mustache with graying hairs that showed he definitely had plenty of experience on the job and in life itself in general, though despite his grim line of work, there were crinkles near his eyes to suggest he had a tendency to smile plenty. 

Alejandro stooped down next to the corpse and sighed. "Dios Mio.. not a blood stain or a footprint or anything. Almost as if either the animal could float through like a ghost, or teleport in, make a  bite, and then teleport out."

"No way a croc that size is gonna even fit in this room." said Olivia. "By the way.. Olivia Jackson, I'm the head officer on this case."

"Ah yes.. Alejandro Diez.. I've been sent to brief you, but it appears you beat us to the mark, you're here quite early." said Alejandro, standing up to shake Olivia's hand. 

Olivia took the hand curtly and shook it once before she stooped down next to the corpse.

Alejandro sighed, wringing his hand for a moment. "I see the stories of your stellar social skills are true Ms. Jackson."

"I don't have time for pleasantries when on the job, apologies, nothing personal. All work relationships are strictly professional." said Olivia. "Hmmm.. Charles, you said LIVING record right?"


"Add extinct animals to the database, see what we come up with." said Olivia. 

"You can't honestly expect to find-?"

"Just do it Charles, come on, what's the harm?"

The examiner sighed and nodded. "Aye aye.."

The examiner slid out a disc-like device from his hazmat suit and clicked it with his thumb, causing a scanning holographic blue light to move and down the body.

The light clicked off and another hologram, a screen showing data, floated in front of the man's eyes.

"Tyrannosaurus Rex." Said the Examiner. 

Alejandro raised an eyebrow. "Heheheh, thought we had something for a moment there, since we know that Extinct Animal Genning is an illegal practice around the world, but Dinosaurs have been dead so long, there's no possible way to get a viable clonable set of genetic matter..."

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