My New Life As Not Me

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I awoke feeling the most comfortable I had ever had in my life. 

You know how when you have your pajamas on, and your body's just exhausted and every part of you just feels nice and soft without a trace of soreness. You might feel this way after a shower, or after a particularly exhausting day, or when you wake up after a nice rest. 

It felt that way for me. My pajamas just felt more cottony than usual. Though.. 

I ran my fingers through my hair as I sat up.

I didn't remember it getting this long. Strange. 

I made a mental note to visit a barber later on as I picked my phone off my bedside table, and then I tapped my implant to check my messages. 

Tim had found a new place where we could do some rythm games, that was nice.  I guess I could call him later. 

As I shifted forward, I felt something rather unusual. My chest felt.. bouncy, like there was something there bouncing around under my chest.. weird. And my legs felt freer, as if there was more room in my pants than usual. 


I scratched my head, trying to remember what had happened last night before I somehow blacked out. 

I fought... Ares? Yes, the war god from before was definitely there. I had a sword or something and I wasn't even sure how I managed to get it.  Did I become a god?

I frowned to myself. I definitely didn't feel like one. In fact if possible, I felt more delicate than usual, as if my arms had grown thinner and the top of my body was narrower. 

I needed to shower to think this through

I slid out of the bed quietly, but quickly retracted my foot when I saw the person who was covered in blankets, snuggled right next to the foot of my bed. 


Her blonde hair was protruding a bit from the blanket she had turtled herself into, now appearing as a mass of quilt blankets and comforters.  I guess that was understandable, I could feel a little chill coming through now that I had taken off my blankets.  The rain was probably coming down harder than usual today. 

All the more reason for a hot shower. 

I stood up carefully, inching around Mina's sleeping form before making my way to the bathroom, pressing the button so that the walk in closet sized slot in my wall could let me in. 

I leaned on my sink, muttering to myself incoherently. I wasn't saying anything.. just making noise for the heck of it.  For a second I just grumbled before looking up at the mirror. And in that mirror, I saw something that I would never be able to forget..

She looked a bit like she might be one of my sisters.

That was my first thought. 

I had several sisters, so that was very unspecific, but perhaps that's why I wasn't surprised to see her at first. 

The girl.

After all, it wouldn't be the first time my sisters barged into my apartment without telling me.  

But even compared to my sisters the girl I was looking at was unusually beautiful. No blemishes, a perfectly shaped chin, nose and big cute sparkling blue eyes. And with her bangs in that covering one eye sort of fashion, she gave off the stereotypical vibe of a shy or cool beauty from an anime. 

Her figure was also stunning, like I was looking at a super model from the cover of a cosplay magazine. She was fit in all the right places that made her beautiful, delicate yet toned in a way, at least that's what I could tell from her rather open pajama collar through which I could see some of her breasts. 

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