I Piss off The Sun

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Illustration for: Mina/ Odin

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Illustration for: Mina/ Odin. 

I woke up that morning on my floor, staring at the cieling above me from a futon matress I lay on the ground. 

It was waking up in that position that told me once and for all that yesterday and the day before that had most definitely not been a dream. 

As I sat up, the sunlight peaking through the automatic AI opened windows, Ayda, the apartment's personal Housekeeper AI, spoke. 

"Good morning Luke, would you like me to begin brewing coffee?"

"Yes please, and put some food out."

"Would you like me to cook-?" 

"My answer's always the same, I wanna cook myself, thank you."

The AI had the ability to cook food using a variety of ingredients to the specifications of the person living in the home. A new edition since 3 years ago, and already it was driving plenty of restaurants and workers out of business. 

But I didn't use it. I guess I liked the feel of making something of my own.

As I looked over at my bed, I found that Mina was no longer there.. but the blankets were neatly folded and made in a way that I never would've done it, so that I at least knew somebody was definitely sleeping there last night. 

I took a deep breath. 

I needed to take this carefully. It could be that the fate of the whole world depended on my ability to convince this goddess to do her actual job. 

I peeked into the kitchen to see none other than the girl of the hour herself, staring as my fridge opened itself and the ingredients I requested came out in drawers that slid onto the counter next to the sink.

She was dressed in the pajamas I had bought for her the other day, stroking her chin as I stepped over to the counter and pulled out a knife, beginning to to chop up some peppers for the omelette I had my mind on. 

"You intend to cook? I was under the impression that Hephaestus progressed your race towards Autonomy.. Did that man Lance Bergun not invent an automated cooking system?" said Mina. 

"Well yeah, we have something like that." I said. "Didn't know a god was behind that, but I prefer to cook. My sister was always about teaching me that stuff. I don't intend on giving up on that soon. Its nice to make something with your own two hands don't you think?"

As I busied myself over the food, I tried to consider my words carefully. I needed to make a solid argument. Especially since this was the goddess of wisdom in Norse Mythology that I was about to attempt to match wits with.  That eyepatch was supposedly because Odin gave up an eye for incredible enlightenment, which meant I was probably about to try and argue against one of the smartest people on the planet.. probably..

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