The Tyrant Goddess: Rex Maximus

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"Hey.. hey.. you ain't supposed to resist this much to deah now ya hear?"

Ares tapped his spear against his shoulder as the snarling bloody wolf hissed.. the hallway of the apartment building strewn with scars and dents.. burns hissing on the carpet floor. 

Around a corner just past a few more doors, was that girl, he could sense her.. Odin. She had just dove out of the way after another attack thrown in her direction. She was annoyingly perceptive when it came to this sort of thing. Even with so much of her power drained, she was just good at prediction and calculation. 

The velocity of his strikes, the timing of charging up his power, she knew every bit about it, which made her a master overall compared to many other gods who could perform combat. It was a wonder Ares even managed to weaken her this much at all when he thought about it. Then again, he wasn't called the god killer for nothing. 

His own power was perfectly designed for destroying foes stronger than he was.  By putting his blood into a foe, it didn't matter how much more power they had then him, he was effectively in control. 

Which was what made this whole current ordeal laughably pathetic. 

"Hey hey.." Growled Ares, as he stepped around the corner of the hall. "Don't make your death any more shameful than it has to be Odin. At least have the dignity to die like a god should. Even if you are weak now, where's all that bravado you showed earlier on when ya nearly incinerated me and that kid?"

A flash of red.

Ares saw this as the feeling of a large metal cyllinder knocking against his head bounced off his skull. 

While he felt the cold metal and the solidness of the object, he felt no pain and in a way it felt the same way one would feel if a person had just knocked one of those plastic air bats for little children against you. Solid yes, but no heft or real damage to it.

Ares brushed aside the Fire Extinguisher as he caught sight of the girl, her blonde hair whipping out behind her, running down the hall. 

A distraction. 

"Sly girl, but you're fighting a losing battle." said Ares as he snapped his fingers. 

Immediately, the bloody wolf's neck stretched forward and zoomed forward, wrapping its bloody body like a viper around Mina, pulling her back and dragging her across the carpet. 

"Agggh.. ag.... aaaaahhhhh.." Mina clawed at the floor, grabbing the carpet and wrenching it from the floor, before her bloodied fingernails dragged gouges across rusted metal floor underneath. 

"Oho? Desperate to live are we?" Muttered Ares. "This ain't anything like how you were when you and I fought before. What changed?"

"Change?" the woman turned to look at Ares, her stormy eye glinting in opposition to her eyepatch with was dark as the night itself. "Hmph, I can't say I feel a change, but yes, these actions of mine are unusual at the very least. Who can say?"

The woman's eye narrowed as she whipped out a hand, and immediately, a black aura shaped like feathers converged, shaping itself into a massive raven, that cawed as its wings stretched out and it lashed out its clawed talons at Ares's face. 

The wolf's head snarled viciously and opened its jaws wide, chomping into the bird and gobbling it up in an instant. 

"Wow wow, your power really has suffered. You did something didn't you?" Ares growled. "To escape me, you must've had to burn through your own divinity to quite an extent. I knew there was no way to escape my ability through ordinary means, even for a Queen like you Odin.   But to think the ever logical Odin thought about something as illogical as an attack with obviously inferior power. You definitely aren't yourself."

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