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It was Monday again I really fucking hate school and tbh I just wanna drop out but I don't wanna end up working in the family business where my mother and brother work and also like my whole family on my moms side , my grandma and grandpa own it it's a restaurant,love my family nd all but there all drop outs and I don't wanna end up like them so I just go to school jsut so I can have some sort of future

I woke up to the sound of my anoyying ass alarm I turned it off and dragged myself out of bed , I grabbed a towl and walked to the bathroom and went for my shower , I am so tired.
After my shower I did my skin care and brushed my teeth all that shit and dried my hair I just grabbed a comfy outfit it was just leggings with a string top and a hoodie on top

After my shower I did my skin care and brushed my teeth all that shit and dried my hair I just grabbed a comfy outfit it was just leggings with a string top and a hoodie on top

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And I put on some mascara and sprayed myself with some body mist, I grabbed my phone and my vape and headed to school


"Hey bitch"maddy called out ,running towards me

"Oh hey mads what's up" I said happily , I hadn't seen her much lately

"I missed you so much" she cooed as she slung her arm around me

"I missed you too girl" I cheered

"You know we should go to a party this weekend?"she suggested

"I don't think ur gonna give me the option of saying no so yea sure I got no plans"I huffed

"I literally love you it's gonna be so fun" she joyed , hopping up and down

"Yea yea I know I'm the best" I cooed

The bell rang for first period so me and maddy said our goodbyes and headed to class

My first period i had maths I like maths tho ,when I understand it...
I sit next to this dude elliot I met him at a party a few months ago

"Are you doing drugs" I ask
"No I'm just um fixing this dryer" elliot lied
"Okay I know you lying so if u tell me what drugs ur doing I'll tell you what drugs I'm doing?"I suggested
"Okay come in" elliot said
"You are my new favourite person" elliot cooed

He's pretty cool and he's super funny but I think he is gay but oh well

"Hey el" I greeted

"Sup birdie"elliot greeted , he's been calling me birdie since last summer when I was high on molly and started chasing birds and caught one then started crying coz I thought it was gonna eat me....anyways

"I am so fucking bored" elliot muttered

"I got weed" I said looking over at him slyly

A big grin formed on his face

"Ring me" I mouthed to elliot, I had a plan

*buzz buzz*
I picked up the phone and hung up but put it to my ear and pretend to be on the phone

"I'm in school what's wrong"
"You are joking"
"No this can't be true"
"It Cant it just can't" anddddd water works

"My grandma" I cried , running out of the classroom

" I should probably go see what happend" elliot said suspiciously as she slid out of the class room

He came out and both of us burst into laughter

"That's like the third time my grandma has died this year"I joked

"She's a tuff but she can't be killed"elliot informed

"Yea yea come on" I say dragging him to the bathrooms

"I am not going in there" elliot said gestureing to the girls bathroom

"Ugh fine" I groan , dragging him to the boys bathrooms ,we locked ourselves into the last stall

I took out my blunt and lit it up ,taking the first hit and then passing it to elliot

"This is why we are best friends" elliot Joyced

I smiled in response and took another hit from the blunt

"Wanna just skip the rest of the day?" I suggested

"Obviously" elliot said in a 'duh' tone

Me and elliot snuck out of the school and started walking away

"Where do u wanna go?"elliot asked

"We could go to the movies and take a fuck ton of mushrooms?" I grinned

"Yes and yes but where tf we bouta get mushrooms"elliot asked ,confused

" I think I might know a guy" I grinned

"Hey fez" I greet as I skip into the store

"Hey kid what u doing here don't u have school?" Fez asked

"Nah we are skipping but I have a question" I say as I walk closer to him

"Ion like where this is going but continue" fez said

"So I was wondering do you and ash like sell magic mushrooms?" I ask

"I mean yea but they kinda sketchy ash is in the back he'll sort u out but be careful kid ion trust them shit" he said worryingly

"I will be fine I promise" I assured

"Good but if anything happens like u start fucking freaking out just like ring me or sum" fez said

"Okayyy" I say as I waltzed over to the freezer
Me and elliot walked in

"Sup" I greet

"The fuck u want" ash asked

"Magic Mushrooms" I replied

"Fuck you want them for" he questioned

"Bruh why u care just give me them why does it matter anyway u finna get yo money" I argued

"Who's this?" Ash asked

"Elliot now can u just give me the drugs damn" I say

"Aight" he grunted as he took a bowl out of the microwave and started looking through it till he found a small baggy Which he then placed out on the table

"50" he requested, I sighed but placed the money down on the table and took my drugs

"Bye ash" I say as me and elliot exit the freezer

"See ya fez" I shout as I'm already half way out the door

"Bye kid" he replied


"Yo since when does Spider-Man have a leprechaun sidekick"elliot slurred in amusement as we sat in the back of the theatre

"What"I ask

"The leprechaun" elliot says as he points at the screen

"That's a fairy" I reply back

"Your a fAiry" elliot says calmly

"Yea I know" I say as I sit back in my seat

Me and elliot finished the movie but the whole time chatting about the mythical creatures that we could see caused by the drugs

A/n okay so this is kinda just a filler chapter but how are we liking elliot and Vicky friendship?? And for Vicky and ash should I have it as a slow burn where they go from enemies to lovers or friends to lovers???

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