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"I am sleeping the fuck you want man" I groan into the phone after being woken up by it ringing

"It's literally 2pm get the fuck up im bored meet me at fez's store in like 20 minutes u better be there"rue demanded

"Ugh u are literally so fucking anoying....see you soon"I replied back into the phone as I hung up

I am literally so fucking tired and it's the one Friday I don't have school and she's fucking waking me up who does she think she isssss anyways
I washed my face and my teeth, brushed my hair and then grabbed an outfit it was just leggings and a cropped hoodie

I am literally so fucking tired and it's the one Friday I don't have school and she's fucking waking me up who does she think she isssss anyways I washed my face and my teeth, brushed my hair and then grabbed an outfit it was just leggings and a c...

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I put on my shoes and headed towards fez's store
I just scrolled through Insta on my way there.
It's only a five minute walk to the store I just arrived

"Hey fez"I greet as I enter the store

"Oh hey kid what u doing here" he replied, taking a hit off his blunt

"Rue said to meet me here" I informed

"Oh okay wanna smoke?" He suggested

"Don't gotta ask me twice" I grinned as I hopped up next to him on the counter taking the blunt from his hand

He just laughed in response

"So what do u think of ash" he asked

"Idk he seems like a dick no offence" I say

"Yea he's like that to everyone but I think y'all would get along if ye hung out more" he said blowing the smoke out

"I don't know-" I started but was cut off by fez's phone ringing

He answered and spoke on the phone for a few seconds before hanging up

"Sorry this is really important shit I gotta go deal with hate to leave you here but uh you can go hang with ash in the back" he suggested

"Ugh fine see ya fez be safe" I say as I fist bump him as he walks off

"Don't worry kid" he said as he walked out the door

I sighed and hopped off the counter and headed towards the freezer

"Hey ash" I greeted

"Fuck you doing here" he said

"Fez had to go but I'm supposed to be waiting for rue so he said I can just stay back here" I informed

"Fuck sake, sit" he said gesturing to the chair next to him
I shrugged and walked over and sat down

We sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes until I decided to break it

"So what do u do back here all day" I ask

"Why u asking questions for tf" he said angrily

"Sorry just curious" I say , feeling slightly embarrassed

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