𝑂𝑟 𝑛𝑎ℎ.

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"I literally have no clothes I think I have to got back home to get some but ion wanna see my stupid ass family" I groaned as I looked at myself in the mirror while ash sat on the bed

"Yea I'll go with you tomorrow or something" ash said

"I'll just wear my two peice again for the party tonight" I said as I plopped down next to him on the bed

"You look good in anything anyway ma" he laughed

"Thanks boo" I said as I pecked his lips to which he laughed

"Me and fez gotta go get some supplies for tonight but we will be back soon" he said as he got up and walked out


Fez and ash have been gone for like an hour I've just been chilling in ash's room watching Netflix but the party is soon so Im gonna get ready for the party , I picked out my outfit and now I am sitting on the floor doing my makeup in the full length mirror

I just did some plain pink eyeshadow and some light makeup and then I put on my outfit and curled my hair

I just did some plain pink eyeshadow and some light makeup and then I put on my outfit and curled my hair

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"Hey ma" ash said as he walked in the bedroom

"Oh hey ash" I said as I turned around to face him

"You look good but ain't no way ima let you leave my side when you looking like thi at " he smirked

"I know" I smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist I leaned up and kissed him

" yo we finna go" fez shouted causing me and ash to break away from the kiss

He took my hand in his and we started to walk out

"Why tf is you naked" fez laughed looking at my outfit

"I'm not naked shush this set is cuteeee and plus I ain't got much else to wear" I informed

"Yea yea Cmon" he said as he grabbed his car keys and started to walk out and me and ash followed behind

The car ride was pretty boring but we just chilled while playing music on the way

"We here" fez said as he pulled up to the big house you could hear the music from outside

Ash and fez got out and ash opened the door for me

"Thank you my love" I whispered so only he could hear
He nodded and loosely placed his arm around my waist as we all walked in , the place stunk of weed and alcohol but the songs were super good

"I'll come find y'all in a few mins I'm just gonna get a drink and catch up with the girl" I said to which the boys nodded and went to find a couch

"Hey girls" I shouted as I walked into the kitchen seeing kat and bb

"Hey vic! You look so pretty" kat gushed

"Thanks kat" I blushed

"We finna get fucked up tonight" bb sung happily

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