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"what you want man?" ash asked the guy stood in front of him

"uh can i just get an eight of weed please" the guy responded , ash reached over to the microwave pulling out a baggy of weed

"50" ash said as he held out the weed for the guy

the guy pulled out a 50 dollar note and handed it to ash , ash gave him the weed

"thanks bro" the guy said as he walked out of the freezer

"fucking hate that dude" ash groaned and he drew circles with his thumb on my upper thigh

"i know" i laughed as i pecked his lips

"can you get me a can of red bull please " he asked

i nodded and stood up from his lap and headed out of the freezer , i opened the freezer door a few feet away and grabbed a red bull just as i turned to walk back to ash i was stopped

"yo kid can we talk" fez asked as he came up from the back of the store "uh yea sure what's up" i ask as i go over and sit up on the counter across from where he was standing

"so uh what's going on with you and ash" he asks

"what do you mean , nothing" i laugh awkwardly

"well i mean obviously y'all are a thing but" he trailed off "but what" i asked as i let out a quiet confused laugh

"listen all i'm saying kid is like your basically a sister to me and i love you kid and i mean you are staying with us right now and idk if it's like the best thing for you two to be together because i ain't wanna loose you man" fez explained

"awh fez you shouldn't have to worry about that even if me and ash don't work out ima always come and see you fez like cmon right now you is like the closest i have to family you think i'd really leave you?" i laughed

"i know kid i know but idk i just lost a lot of people i cared about i ain't tryna loose you" i said as he smile falterd and he rubbed the back of his neck

"oh now fez you know i'm never ever leaving you" i said as i walked over and pulled him into a tight hug to which he reciprocated "i love you kid" fez said as he hugged me tighter , i soon let go
"fuck don't get all soft on me now fez" i laughed "i ain't soft" he defended as he leaned on the counter

"don't act like i ain't seen u and lexi watching stand by me" i laughed as i raised an eyebrow and slowly backed away towards the freezer "fuckkk" fez dragged out , laughed and entered the freezer

"damn what took you so long"ash laughed

"had to have a quick soppy conversation with ur brother" i laughed as i sat down next to him

"about what" he asked

"he's worried that if we don't work out i'm gonna leave and forget about him" i laughed

"he ain't gotta worry about that tho i ain't never leaving yo ass" he smiled as he pecked my lips

"well unless one of us dies" i laughed

"hey don't be talking like that ain't nothing gonna happen" he said

"well i mean u never know what might happen considering what y'all do for a livin "i said as i furrowed my eyebrows

"what's that supposed to mean" he asked confused

"well like it's just not very safe anything could happen " i say

"yea well like what else do you expect us to to we need money" he said as he gently let me off his lap as he stood up "why are you getting mad ash you know i don't care about what y'all work as i just worry about you" i say as i smile lightly at him as i place my hand on his arm

"yea and what are you gonna do if something does happen huh?" he said as he raised his voice slightly

"calm down ash i mean like i-i don't know w-what i would do but like i doubt anything will happen anyway we shouldn't be arguing over this right now" i said trying to calm the situation , he stood there looking at me with no words

"i don't even know why you're fighting with me ashtray" i said bluntly as i grabbed my phone and walked out of the freezer

"i'll be back later fez" i said dryly as i stormed out of the store , i walked around the area contemplating on what i should do weather i should go apologise or should i give him space

maybe i think we just both need time to clear our heads

i decided to go for a walk to the closest park just to clear my head

i sat down on the swings , swinging back and fourth trying to clear my head but just so many thoughts ambushed me at once , things like , why did he overreact like that when i was just worried for him , is he only doing this so he can find an easy way to break up with me , did i do something wrong that made him overreact in the first plac- "vick is that you?" a familiar voice interrupted my thoughts , i look up to see no one other then elliot

"oh hey el" i said as i stand up quickly hugging him tightly as i bury my face in his chest

"wow are you okay" he asked as he rubbed my back to comfort me

"i don't know" i mumble into his chest before letting go and standing infront of him looking up

"Hey cmon now what's wrong" he asked as he rubbed my back and then gently broke away from the hug

"I was fighting with ash" I mumbled out

"What why what happend" he ask as he gestured him to follow him over to sit on the swings

"I don't even know I just made a joke about how his work isn't safe because we'll it's not! And then he just started getting angry at me and then I just left befor things got worse" I shrugged as I held my held low

"Hey now don't be crying tho I know y'all will work it out you always do I mean look at you two your basically made for each other"elliot calmly let out a laugh as he looked at me with sympathetic eyes

"I know but I just hate fighting with him" I sighed

"Y'all will sort it out Im sure of it" elliot reassured as we both stood up and he brought me into a warm embrace

"Thanks elliot" I smiled as I said goodbye and made my way out of the park

I decided that I was going to give it a day to all cool down and then I will talk to him.

Authors notes: hey guys I am so so so sorry it literally took me so many months to update I got my phone taken for most of it and I was grounded i know a lot of you probably stopped reading this a long time ago but for the ones that are excited to see a new part here it is !!

please check out my new book!! it's called love ,hate , soulmates , i hope u enjoy!!!

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