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"Ash" I say as I turn to face the tatted boy on the couch beside me

"Yes ma" he replied as he gently drew circles in my thigh with his thumb

"I think I should go home today and get more of my stuff but I feel weird because I feel like I'm forcing y'all to let me stay with you guys and I know fez says he doesn't mind having me here but i really don't want to be a burden on you guys" I sighed as I layed my head on the back of the couch

"Don't be thinking like that ma you know we wouldn't want you anywhere but here ,your family." He assured

"I know I just feel bad because y'all do so much for me and I just don't feel like I deserve any of this like" I said

"Hey hey Cmon now you know that's not true you got a heart of gold if anything we don't deserve you" he lightly smiled

"Awh ash" I cooed as I gently placed a short sweet kiss on his lips "I'd be lost you without you my love" I added

"Cmon ill take u back to yo house" he smiled as he stood up from the couch , I nodded and followed behind him to the door

"Yo fez I'm taking your car" ash shouted down the hall

"Crash it and your dead" fez sated

Ash chuckled and opened the door for me

We stroled out to the car and got in , the car ride was fairly boring just ash reassuring me and him occasionally smiling at me as I sang the words of the songs playing on the radio

Eventually we arrived
"You want me to come in with you"ash asked

"No I think I'll be okay" I smiled as I pecked his cheek and got out of the car

I took a deep breath before knocking on the door , eventually I heard some shuffling and the door unlocking when I door opened I was greeted by the sight of my older brother ,Leo
"Where the fuck have u been" he asked as he moved out of the way to let me into the house

"Mom didn't tell u?" I asked

"Tell me what?huh" he asked confused

"Wow! Well she kicked me out so I've been staying at a friends"I sighed as I crossed my arms angrily

"She did what" he huffed

"Yea I'm suprised she didn't even tell you" I said

"Fuck sake" I whispered as he stormed away from me

i let out a sigh and made my way upstairs to my bedroom , i grabbed an empty school bag from my closet and quickly grabbed all of the clothes i knew i would need and wear i sped over to the bathroom that was across the hall i grabbed a toothbrush and any hair and face products i would need for the next few weeks , i knew i would have to eventually move back in with my mother and brother but i just needed to let everything calm down for a while.

after i had packed all my essentials i started to walk towards my bedroom door but i was stopped by my brother,leo

"what do you want" i groaned as i looked up at him

"listen vicky i know we fight the whole time and u probably think i don't care about u but i do love you ,your my little sister fuck sake i'd kill for you and i do think it's better if u stay out of this house for a while it will make u happier you don't deserve to have to deal with moms bullshit" leo sighed as he brought me into a tight hug and placed a kiss on my temple

"thank you leo" i mumbled into his chest as he let go

"who are you staying with anyways" he's asked

"just two friends don't worry tho their like family to me i trust them" i nodded as i smiled weakly up at him

"as long as your safe" he replied

i was about to continue talking until i got text from ash
"hey you gonna be much longer vic" the message read

"two mins" i replied

"okay i gotta go but i'll come by sometime soon and visit , yea?" i said

"yea yea do" he smiled back , these kinds of interactions with leo have always been awkward because we are never normally like this but it makes me happy knowing he does love me and that he really does care

i started to walked out of my room and then down the stairs, i took a deep breathe and smiled because i opened the door and stepped outside , i saw ash looking at me from inside the car , i stroll over and get in the passenger side

"hey how did it go" he asked as he reached over and interlocked his fingers wity mine

"good... really really good"i sighed in relief as i smiled at the boy sat infront of me

"are you sure your okay ma" he asked

"yes my love i am dont worry" i smiled as i leaned over and cupped his cheek with my hand and kissed him

"let's go so" he said as he turned away from me trying to hide his blushing, i let out a slight chuckle and layed my head on the head rest , i felt a lot lighter now knowing that i had my brother on my side and i had ash and fez , i was right where i needed to be and i felt safe and i felt like myself and for the the first time in a very long time i am at peace with myself, i just hope it stays that way.

A/N i am soooo sorry it took so long to update but i had exams and then i got sick and i've just had a lot of shit going on the past month but i promise there will be more chapters coming soonnn

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