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"Rue can we please do something else dude we have literally been watching Netflix since 12 PM!! It's now dark out"I plead with the curly headed girl sat next to me in my living room

"Chill man what u want me to do I ain't got no Netflix at my house"rue complained

"Bruh yes you do- that's not even the point I'm just fucking bored"I said , dragging out my words

"Well I mean we could get dr-" rue started but was cut off

"Yes let's go" I agree hoping up off my couch with rue grinning and following close behind


"Sup fez" rue greeted the ginger guy behind the counter rue has talked about him before and I've seen him around but I never really talked to him

"Yo rue" fez replied  "who's this" he added

"This is Victoria she's my cousin" rue informed

"You can call me Vicky tho I hate when people use my full name"I said with a smile on my face

"Cool cool nice to meet you Vicky" he replied

"Okay cool y'all besties now but I need drugs so please tell me ash is in the back" rue rambled

"Ight chill man yea he's in the back" fez chuckled

Rue grabbed my arm and dragged me with her

"Who's ash?"I whisper before we enter this freezer room , weird....

She just shushed me and pulled me into the room
A guy with a buzz cut and face tats was sat in a chair behind a desk , he was really hot not gonna lie but if looks could kill then id drop dead nil this dude was scary

"The fuck you want" ash angrily asked

"Just some molly and a few OCs" rue requested

"And for your friend?" He asked slightly nodding his head towards me

"Nah she's good" rue replied and I nodded in agreement

"Ight that's finna be 70" ash said as he placed the drugs out on the table

"Fez said he'd spot me" rue smiled as she grabbed the drugs and started to walk away

"Your full of shit" ashtray stated loudly

"Yea yea whatever" rue said as she left the freezer

"Thanks fez see ya" rue said as she suluted fez

"See ya kid , bye Vicky" fez said

"Bye fez" I say as me and rue leave the store

"So thattttts fez he seems nice" I say to rue

"Yea love that ginger guy  what u think of ash he's ur age he's like 17 I think" rue stated

"I mean he's really fucking hot i cant lie but he's kinda scary" I joked

"WHAT you got a thing for ash" rue cood as she dragged out his name

"I don't have a thing for him I just think he's hot but he seems like a dick I would not get with him although I'd like to take on the challenge of being his friend coz I don't believe the whole tuff guy act"I shrugged

"You? Become friends with ash?? Your funny that guys got a heart of stone ain't no way u finna make him even slightly like you , there's two people that he cares about and that's fez and his grandma" rue laughed

"You really think I can't do it huh? Wanna bet" I stated

"I mean you do you but don't get your hopes up kiddo" rue said ruffling my hair as we entered my house  both of us laughing as we entered the kitchen

"Shut up man your so fucking loud" my brother said as he lit up his cigarette

"Chill Leo you always ina bad mood damn" I joked

"Stop trying to show off in front of your friend" Leo rolled his eyes

"Okay" I said dragging out my words as I walked to the sink to get a drink
Leo walked to the living room sitting on the couch smoking his cig

"Cmon rue let's go" I say leading her up to my room

"Vic!" My mom called out , walking out of her room

"Hey mom what's up?" I say as she walks over to me

"Your fathers on the phone he wants to talk to u" my mother said as she rolled her eyes and handed me the phone

"Ugh fuck sake" I say as I grab the phone out of her hand and put it up to my ear

"Hey dad"I huff

"Hey vic how are you" he asked

"I'm good" I dryly respond

"Yea that's good Um are you busy tomorrow wanna go somewhere" he asked in a light voice

"Uh idk i might be busy where do u wanna go"I respond

"I don't mind we can just think of something tomorrow" he suggested

"Yea whatever I'll let u know bye"I say

"Okay bye I love you"he cooed

"Yep" I say as I hang up the phone

"Fucking dickhead" I huff under my breathe as I hand the phone back to my mother

" I know I know " she agreed

"Damn y'all really hate him"rue joked

"Yea fat bitch" my mother said as she smiled and walked away

Me and my mother really really hate my father if u Cant tell

Me and rue walked into my room

"Now that that's over give me the drugs" I say putting my hand out in front of her

A/n sorry it's kind of a short story but this is just the start of it we will have more of ashtray soonnnn. Hi

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