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It was a few weeks later and tonight is the New Year's Eve party , I was gonna go with maddy and all the girls but instead I'm just gonna get ready by myself and then get a lift with fez because I know he is going too

I woke pretty late so the first thing I did was go for a shower and doing my face care and all that shit no one really needs to hear about , I had a dress picked out it was a beautiful royal blue dress , I wasn't gonna put it on till later tho

I dried my hair and then I went downstairs

"Morning" I say to my mother as I sit on the couch opposite her

"Did u only just wake up?" She asked

"Yea I didn't sleep till late" I said

"It's because of that fucking phone" she complained

"I literally jus fucking woke up can I please not fight with me" I pleaded

"I'm not fighting with u" she said back in a higher voice

"Why are u shouting at me what the fuck" I shout back

"Your the one shouting" she once again shouted back

"Your literally fucking shouting at me right now I just fucking woke up and now ur fighting with me just stop ruining my mood for fuck sake" I said as I stormed off

"I am not Done talking to u come back" she shouted

I stormed up to my room and shoved my dress and makeup into my bag and put on my shoes and left

"Fuck you im leaving and don't bother calling me" I shouted as I slammed the front door

I quickly walked away from the house with hot tears streaming down my face , I didn't know where to go so I just went to fezs because he lives closest to me

Before I knocked on his door I whipped the tears off my face ,hoping he wouldn't know I was crying

Eventually ashtray opened the door

"What the fuck happend you" he asked

"Nothing I'm fine" I said rudely

"Wtf man why u being a bitch for" he angrily said

"Sorry just fucking let me in" I said

"Jesus fine" he rolled his eyes as he let me and and closed the door behind me
I walked into the living room to see fez sat on the couch

"Hey kid what are u doing here" he asked

"I got into a fight with my mom , can I just get ready for the party here?"I asked

"Yea of course , are u okay tho u look like h were crying" he asked concernly

"Um yea I'm fine" I said trying to not cry But a tear rolled down my face

Fez stood up and came over pulling me into a warm hug

"Don't worry about it kid u know u can always come here" he said as he kissed my forehead and pulled away from the hug

"Thank you fez" I said ,wiping my tears

"No problem kid , you can do ur makeup or whatever u gotta do in ash's room coz he has a mirror

"Okay thanks" I said as I gave him a weak smile and walking up to ash's room

I walked in

"Can I use ur mirror" I asked

"Yea I guess" he said without even looking up from his phone

I took my bag off my back and sat down infront of the mirror

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