💢How could he?💢

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This is just after the events of episode nine

Type: angst

"HOW COULD HE?!" A loud voice echoed through the rather small room, "HOW DARE HE DO THIS TO US?!!"

The music room was filled with silence besides the shouting coming from its pianist. Nobody had shown up for practice today because of what had happened except Zander and Luke. They weren't here to practice exactly, but they just came in for no exact reason.

"Zander, you have to calm down. Don't let it get to you." Luke put his hand on Zander's back, rubbing it in circles soothingly, "He's an idiot. He's not worth such a reaction." Luke's calm voice seemed to settle the pianist slightly since his next words didn't quite reach the volume of the last.

"I knew he was no good." He leant his head against Luke's shoulder, nuzzling into him softly for comfort. "How could he hurt us all like this? How could he hurt my sister so badly?" His words were hushed into a harsh whisper as he tried to think over what had happened just 24 hours ago.

"Heck Hailey can't even sing without me because of her stupid stage fright! And they probably wouldn't stand a chance without me! They should be grateful that I joined them in the first place!

They should've known from the moment I joined that I wouldn't be a music freak!"

Zander felt himself boiling with anger at the thought of the previous events. How could Jake do such a thing to them? "After all we did for him! I even gave him another chance, and what did he do? BETRAY US!" His voice was raised into a yell, slightly startling the brunette beside him.

Luke sighed, he felt the anger arise in himself now too. Luke wasn't the one to get angry often. He'd never end up mad usually in any situation, but what Jake did made him so angry. The club comes first, and if anyone were to hurt the people in it, Luke would be the one to do something about it.

Instead of letting the anger get the best of him, he tried collecting himself. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then turned to Zander. "Baby, you can't let it get to you..." His voice was still calm and steady, he tried his best to keep the anger hidden.

"Well how is this not gonna get to me?!" Zander spat, crossing his arms over himself, still leaning against his boyfriend, "HOW IS THIS NOT GONNA GET TO ME?!" He yelled before sighing heavily. "I'm furious. Utterly fucking furious."

Luke pulled Zander closer before sighing. He wrapped his arms around him securely, standing near his drum set. "I know you're mad, I am too, trust me. But we have to move on, Jake's an absolute idiot and he doesn't deserve us. Just forget about him, sweetie.." Luke raked his hand through Zander's hair, rocking back and forth slowly.

Zander huffed in annoyance, though feeling a little better from Luke's support, "Mm, I'm still pissed. I hate him. But I'll try and forget about it..." He muttered, leaning into Luke comfortably, "...for now..."

The drummer smiled slightly, kissing Zander's forehead, "We're all better off without him, hon."

The pianist gave a look before disagreeing, "Are we though? He was our singer! We have no chance in winning the competition now..."

Luke sighed, trying to think about how this was all gonna work, "Don't say that, Zander. There's still hope. We've been working towards this for ages, we can't just give up." He kissed Zander's temple before squeezing him tightly, "I love you." He whispered, still messing with his smooth purple hair.

Zander flushed red before muttering, "I love you too..." He cuddled back up to Luke, hiding his face in his chest. "Thanks for comforting me in this situation." He mumbled into the fabric of Luke's shirt.

"Of course, honey. It's no problem! I'm glad to be here for you." Luke smiled sweetly at the pianist, trying to get his mind of off that stupid simp.


So dis one is short because my motivation just went ⬇️ so yuh... I also didn't really have much of a plan for this one so yeah... BYE- 🧡💜

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