The Lovely Sensation: 9

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Chapter 9

Laying me on the couch, he sits down next to me for a while. Then he gets up and asked where's the kitchen. I point to the left side from where I was sitting. He was in there for a while but returned with a bag of ice and an water bottle.

I smiled for a second. I guess I had a little giggle going on because he looked at me, smiled and just shook his head.

"Thank you," I say as he hands me the bottle.

"Dont sweat it. Do you have any pain pills because you're most definitely gonna need them".

I have a bottle in my dresser upstairs but that's to far of a distance I thought. "Yea, there's Aleve above the t.v in the left hand corner and midol on the right, I say after about five minutes.

He glance at each one as if he was debating for a while. I guess he couldn't decide because he grabbed both and passed them over. I looked at the labels in search for which one was stronger. I opened the midol, placed two in my mouth and took a sip from the bottle.

Taking the ice off my head, I laid it on the table next to the bottle of water and pills. Momz was going to kill me for this but I didn't care, if it got water damage, i'd just have it replaced in a few days. I was freezing my ass off, the A.C was piping. He took a hint and asked if there were any covers close by. I nodded my head and tilted my chin towards the closet. He grabbed a baby blue cover and spreaded it across my body. I sighed in satisfaction as my eyes closed.


I opened my eyes about two hours later. I sat there for a while then jumped off the couch terrified as hell. I looked around and saw no movement. That's when I started to panick. I was sitting in my house with a complete stranger longing around. He could be a serial killer, he could have planned this all to take my life, he could of raped me while I was doped up on pain pills. I was scared shitless. Mind was wondering and the more I thought, the crazier it got.

I heard a loud laughter coming from the kitchen area. This was obviously my mother, you could hear her a mile away. I entered the kitchen and they were both sitting at the large counter that was filled with appetizers like cookies and stuff. I couldn't help but chuckle as I realized what momz had done. She knew I wasn't going to do it so she was having a full tea party with a grown ass man, and I found this beyond hilarious.

They sinced my presents and turned to look at me. Hey, he says getting up. How's your head?

I had forgot all about it.
Fine. How's your tea party I say laughing a little. He smirks and opens his mouth to say something but was cut off by momz calling him back over. I knew if I didn't get him out then, he'd be sitting at that counter all day and be invited to dinner later on. Naw, I cant have that, momz was talking the guys head off and I felt bad.

Tiffany you didn't tell me you had a friend that looked this fine. My mouth dropped at her comment. This was embarrassing as hell. I felt my cheeks flush red. Sometimes it can be a curse being light skinned. After her continuance for about 10 more minutes I got bored out my damn mind and didn't want to here anymore. Im pretty sure he didn't either.

Ight ma, that's enough. Im sure you had some buisness to mind and I need to head up to the shower so im gonna walk my "friend" out and he'll see you another time.

She looked at me as if I was crazy. I replied with the same look.

I'll see you around Ms. Monroe, he say as he gives her a hug and a peck on her forhead. This nigga done got real comfortable.

We exited the kitchen, walked through the living room and hit a left towards the door.

It was straight silence until we both reached for the door touching one anothers hand.

So your names Tiffany huh?? You never got a chance to tell me.

You never asked. I shoot back.

Teshae. I guess I should of seen that one coming. You really dont look like much of a people's person, he says.

Im not, I snapped. You've defined me well, now I have business to attend to so you can continue on with your physical activity and personal training, I say giving him a stern look.

We'll my bad, I'd thought the dude that helped you get home safety after a dome to the head would get at least a thank you or asked to dinner but im mistaken. My fault.

Taken aback by his worked, I looked at him as if he was speaking another language.

I already showed my appreciation, and im not goin to repeat myself for nobody. Ask you to dinner..I think the wrong person might have hit there head because obviously you seem lost as hell, I spoke.

I guess he thought this was funny but I didn't have not one look of humor on my face.

Smirking, he takes my hand and kisses it. Well in that case, can I be the gentlemen here and take you out Ms.Tiffany?

I wasn't expecting that. At first I was about to reject instantly because that's an everyday thing for me. A nigga always trying to get with me because I had pretty skin, spoke two languages, a head full of real hair, plump lips and a fat ass. That was the answer to everything outta respect for myself, and my man. HELL NO.
But he was sexy and he came at me the right way instead of tryna holla from across the street and throwing shots at my booty. I liked it. Plus, after all, im single. Shawn was no longer a factor in my life, so shit why not.

Fine. Time and day? I ask.

Why dont you just give me your number and I'll just call you and we can talk about the arrangements later.

I stared at him for a while as he licked his lips and wiped the sweat from his forhead.

Hello?? He waves his hand infront of my face.

Ohh sorry, I say giving him a smile. I took his phone and typed my number in it. I saved it under Tiff and called my cell. Without me even being able to hit save, he took my phone from my hand, typed a few things and gave it back.

I'll call you later beautiful, he smiled put his headphones in and jogged off. I opened my phone back and looked at the last number that just called my phone. Latrell.

Hmm, sexy man with a sexy name. We'll see how long this last, I say to myself as I laugh closing my front door.

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