Chapter 12

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"We're back! Luka!"
"Luka's in the shower, Kyle and Shane are on the couch in the living room. Here let me help you, Michaela." Ms. Madison offered, which I gratefully accepted.
"Uncle Mikey, this is Shane and Kyle's mom, Dayna Madison. Dayna, this is my Uncle Michael Clifford. Uncle Luke and him Are watching us for the rest of the year." I tell them.
"Hi, Ms. Madison." Uncle Mikey said, shaking hands with her.
"Dayna is basically my mom. And Daddy is pretty much the Twins' father." I tell him, before leaving them to do their thing.
"Shane!" I squeal, running over and hugging him.
"It's been like 20 hours!"
"Too long." I mumbled.
"How do you know Trent?"
"How much do you know?" I answered a question with a question.
"He's seventeen, junior, drives a motorcycle, has three little brothers and older two sisters. And has never had a girlfriend in his life. And you invited him tonight." Fuck, I'll have Luka, Shane, and Kyle scaring him off. If my family doesn't. I hope they scare Karson right off this continent.
"Come pick out my clothes while I shower!" I tell him. He has good taste in clothes. No, Shane isn't gay. His girlfriend goes to the school in the next town over. We ran up the stairs, and I hopped in the shower in Luka's bathroom, and took a twenty minute shower. New record.
"Put the clothes on my bed and leave."
"'Kay!" I leave the bathroom and see he picked out two outfits. One was a checkered pink and black skater skirt, black leggings, and an old Green Day tee shirt. The other was ripped black skinny jeans and a red crop top that had the 5 Seconds of Summer logo, and Daddy had 'Ashton Girl' written on the back with Sharpie. I really didn't want to give any view of my legs, so I went with the second outfit. I added my bracelet collection and white Converse.
I walked back down just in time with the doorbell. Callie and Karson were already here, and Shane was scaring the shit out of Karson.
I went to the door, and opened it to find Trent. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a checkered blue flannel, and blue Vans.
"You look great, Michaela." He said as I let him in.
"Thanks, you look good, too." I reply, closing the door after him.
We all head to the living room, and introduce Trent to the rest of the people. "Luka, this is Trent. Trent, this is my little brother Luka."
"Two fucking minutes, Michaela."
"I'm going to help Uncle Mikey." I said, before heading to the door. As if on cue, Uncle Luke and Cal walk in, helping Aunt Katy. Behind them is Mackenzie, and two really hot guys.
"Uncle Calum! Aunt Katy!" I said, hugging them both.
"Michaela, this is Cole," he pointed to the slightly taller blonde boy, "and this is Austin." He finishes, pointing at the shorter, brunette boy. "Boys, this is Ashton's daughter, Michaela."

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