Chapter 33

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"Hey Parker!" I shouted, reading the back of his jersey. "Can you give me a lift home?" I asked. Coach extended practice another hour and I told Uncle Mikey I'd catch a ride with someone. I've noticed Parker lives on the other side of Shane.
"Sure, yeah, um, okay, cool." He fumbled over his words. Did I just do something to our star junior linebacker? "Let me go change."
"Yeah, meet me outside the locker room." I replied. He nodded in agreement. As he walked off, my phone rang.
"Hey, can I come over and hang out? I just got out of soccer, and Kyle went to Mason's. Mom is at your place with your dad and I don't want to be in that house by myself. There are things from last night I want to unsee." I could hear Shane shudder through the phone. I want to unsee that, too. I didn't think Dad needed a lady friend that bad.
"Yeah, meet me outside the guy's locker room. A guy's giving me a ride home. He lives right next door to you, so you know where to find him if he kills me." I joked.
"Okay, see you in a few." He replied, before hanging up.
I heard the locker room door open, and slowly turned around, catching Parker in the act.
"I swear to God." I said, sending him a glare. "I will personally pay for your funeral if you do it."
"Get your checkbook out." He replied, before attacking me with his fingers.
"S-stop!" I manage in between giggles. I screamed. I screamed for a solid minute. He stopped, thank sweet Ginger Jesus, and his eyes grew huge. I was panting, out of breath.
"How did your lungs not give out?" He asked, bewildered.
"I don't know, it runs in the family. Dad told Callie and I it was our best weapons against guys. If we get scared, get real close to them," I lowered my voice to a seductive whisper and moved my face closer to his, "press your lips to his ear," I did as I said, "and scream as loud as I can!" I shouted, pulling away. "What can I say, I'm a Daddy's girl."
"But I'm your Daddy." He pouted.
"You play guitar, but I'm into drummers." I stated. "Anyways, I've seen your face around but I don't even know your first name." I took a song from 5SOS and put it in context.
"I pierced my lip so you'll think I'm cool, I ripped my jeans, but I'm not dropping out of school. No, thank you." He laughed. "My name's Hayes."
"Try Hard." I stated bluntly.
"Yeah, my parents used to play 5 Seconds of Summer all the time when I was little."
"Well, Hayes, do you want to meet them?" I asked.
"I'd kiss you if it meant I could."
"Is that an insult?" I gasped.
"No, I mean, um, you're really hot, No, wait, I did not just say that. I'm totally not trying to take advantage of you. I can't like you, I'm sixteen, you're like twelve. I don't mean that, I. Ugh, I like you, a lot. Not because of the 5SOS thing, I mean, I like you. A lot."
"Hayes." I cut him off. "Shut the fuck up before I kiss you."
"Well, then I'm going to talk forever."
"Hayes. Whatever your middle name is. Parker. Shut the fuck up so I can kiss you." I said, before pressing my lips to his. "Now, do you want to come over and have some pizza?" I asked. He nodded fiercely. This dude is fucking adorable. There is no question about it.
"It's fine if my friend Wesley catches a ride?"
"Yeah, sure." He agreed, as soon as Shane exited the locker room.

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