Chapter 26

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"Okay!" My music teacher Mr. Mularz shouted. "Who is going first today?" He asked as the class quieted down. "I guess I'll choose." He said after no one volunteered. "Michaela, you haven't performed this semester. You start us off."
I walked to the front of the class, and took a deep breath. No one I got along well with was in this class. So I had no one to make eye contact with for reassurance. I closed my eyes and thought about my family.
"Okay, Michaela, your assignment is a song by a female artist that was released after 2000 and before 2015." Mr. Mularz said. I smiled. Taylor Swift, best female artist of the twenty-first century.
"You got that James Dean, daydream look in your eyes, and I got that red lip, classic thing that you like. When we go crashing down, we come back every time. 'Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style." I sing 'Style,' blocking everything out. I pour my heart into it, like my Dad.
He takes the entire world, and just stops it in his mind. He says leave your life and problems backstage, and let your heart be your mind on stage. Unless you play drums. If you play drums, you bring your anger with you. It helps emphasise your heart, is what Dad taught us.
"Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style. You got that James Dean daydream look in your eyes." I finished, and smiled in satisfaction. Mr. Mularz was clapping a bit too fast, and loud.
"Bravo! Bravo!" I swear to God, this man is a loud and happy drunk. "Magnificent! A for this week!"
I walked back to my seat, moving my dark bangs from my eyes. I should dye my hair again. I think I'll bleach it. "Hey, you were great up there." The girl next to me whispered. I didn't even know a girl sat next to me. "I moved here last week. I'm Keairra, by the way." She introduced herself. She had thick, straight, long purple hair. It faded at different points, it was really pretty. She had unusually golden eyes, and her ears were pierced like mine are.
"Michaela." I introduced myself.
"Keairra, your next. A song that was released after 2000 and before 2015." Mr. Mularz said, as the boy who I didn't notice sat back down.
She walked up to the front, her head pointed down, in shame or fear I wasn't sure. She looked up, and scammed the class. I think she was looking for reassurance, because we locked eyes, and she smiled.
"For a while we pretended that we never had to end it, but we knew we'd have to say goodbye." Wherever You Are, 5 Seconds of Summer. I was trying so hard not to fangirl. I think I blacked out for a moment, I swear.
"Every night I almost call you, just to say it always will be you. Wherever you are." She finished. I actually clapped, for once in this class.
"Okay, so this week, we are having group projects. Groups of three or more will pick a song that goes with this week's theme, a song that was released after 2000 and before 2015." Mr. Mularz announced. The rest of this period will be spent on picking groups and songs. Disperse!"
Immediately, Keairra and I made contact. "Do you get along with anyone else here?" I asked.
"I was praying you did." Well shit. This boy with neon green hair caught my attention. He must have done it in the last three hours, for it to be that green. He was hesitant on going up to people, and this blonde haired boy sat next to him, in converstion with him. I walked over to the boys, Keairra in tow.
"Hi, I'm Michaela, this is Keairra, and the four of us are now a group. We can work after four at my me on the football field after Varsity practice, and I can give you a ride. Okay? Okay." I said really fast. The blonde was the first to reply.
"I'm Ethan, and this is Wesley." He introduced. "And sure. we'll be there. You did a song by 5 Seconds of Summer, right? Wherever You Are?" He questioned Keairra.
"Yeah, my mom was a huge fangirl of theirs until I turned twelve." She explained. I was screaming on the inside someone knows my family.
"They're a really great band. Michael Clifford is a guitar legend." Holy shit, inner fangirl is dying here. Dying I tell you, dying.
"Guys." I said. "You are going to scream when you get to my house."
"Why, is your room full of posters?" Wesley asked. The broccolli speaks.
"Well, yes, but it would be weird if I had posters of my dad, don't you think?" I laughed.
"My mom knew it! She got knocked up with me because she wanted to have a kid the same age as one of the boys so we could fall in love and she could meet him." Keairra explained.
"Well, my sister and I are straight, and my brother is, well, not." I said. The bell rang.
"The football field?"
"Yeah." I confirmed, collecting my books. "You guys want to sit together at lunch to discuss songs?"
"Sure." They replied.
"Great!" I said, before heading to Homeroom.

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