My past and the Hidden Leaf's founders

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"Since this Baka is to scared. I'll tell you guys my past and how I got my rinnegan..."I said and trailed off a bit.
"I was woken up a long time before the creation of the hidden leaf and I just happened to meet Hashirama and Madara when I was wandering around."

I was a young brat wandering around,towards my own bordness holding a bottle shake onto my hands,I was never clearly never to get drunk,but who says"When A you brat like me,goes walking around cursing the world while tilting towards the side screaming"Damn the universe was consider,as drunk".I had laughed and chuckled,as I knew the universe was answering me back,with bombs,and strange like fires coming from other's sides,while men had screamed"What the hell is a women,walking through a battlefield!".I answered him,back"Why don't you go ask,yourself that questioned You Baka's"I had laughed insanely.While holding the bottle of shake onto my hands.A strange women I was cursing,enjoying myself, but when the fire had came straight towards me I had shouted"Rebirth".Yes rebirth what was wrong with me.I ahd stood their not moving a muscle,drinking while laughing like a fool I was,that is when I felt myself being lifted by arms,and moved,as swiftly as the wind.Looking unto the mans clothing He was a fellow shinobi male,with long black ahir reaching towards his back,while wearing red armor in the attire was I to know.I had encountered one of these men..A senju.Bombs were being heard again,men screaming and calling onto their Jutsu's,while some just went straight into the battle field killing everyman their was to be from the other side.The man had breathed heavily,"Ma'am what in the world are you walking into the battle field while in the crisis of war"He said,as he gave that serious stare.I laughed"Because its rebirth!"The man had looked dumfoundly at me."Your are drunk"He said.I glared unto him"So your a down right Baka"I replied,while drinking onto My shake again.He sighed"Hishirama!Quick the Uchiha's are gaining more power!"A man had shouted.He glanced onto me quickly,ordering a man"Quick get this women onto safety!"He shouted."Yes Lord Hisharama".The man said.I felt myself be lifted by the man,As i was breaking out of his embrace"Let me damn go"I said.The man growled at me,"Shut it women,You are to come with me".I was then carried and I was unto a village unknown,the man had then putted me unto a room filled with other women with children"Mommy im scared"A boys said frightfullly.I turned around to look unto the boy"Being in fear,is nothing but a fools weakness"I had saidThe boy had hugged unto his mother.I shrugged"What is going on?"I asked,as i was partially drunk."A war is going on what do ya think".A women snapped at me.I shrugged again"Don't know..a wolf wearing a hat"I said.The women glared unto me"I knew I was making a joke outta all of this.Door were being broken down,giving women a fear to ebgin with,entering in men with red crimison eyes,chuckled breaking untot he doors"We kill every women and Children",He said."No please!!"A women had cried.The Uchiha's were getting closer to us,I sighed "You sir..are not a very nice gentlemen"I said,as my speeech slurred.Both men look unto eachother,as they laughed"Oh yeah brat..who said emotions are to be used onto these quoted by Lord Madara Uchiha."A muscular one had said,Drinking my shake I was"Your mothers"I said."Why you little wench.."The man had growled towards me,as his Katana was ready to strike towards me.The women and children had screamed,The man had finally reached towards,as i moved towards the side quickly,into a second,grabbing a hold of his arm I had snapped it like a twig.Screaming in pain he was,such a fool will he underistimate a women like.The others had activated their crimison eyes,I sighed"Genjutsu user pathetic".I sighed.I had ran towards"Stay in here as I will signal you until I come out!"I shouted unto the women they nodded their head.I had closed my eye's,as i opened them,making the men fly off towards the outside,in order to the women and Children safe."What the hell!"One of the men said.Coming out were my eyes giving out a purple glow."Alright men,since you do not know how to respect women and treat children with respect..I must teach you on my own".I had said,glaring unto them.The men had gotten up,running towards me,sighing I was again"Is this what shinobi men do nowadays"I had mumbled towards myself.Doing a few hand signs,lightning had shot from the sky pericing ever man,as blood was spattered unto the grounds,I had wiped a little out my face"These men can't even,keep their blood onto control"I shook,Truning around other men came towards me.Rememeber I was still drunk onto the matter,as I was cursing myself for even getting into this mess"Damn you"I said.My battling skill,were yet to be improved,I had then jumped up,as I had double kicked two men,making go uncoinses,as for these others I had I down handsigns quickly,I had focused my chakra onto the wind"Wind Style"Wind Blade!"I had shouted,I may say again was this turning into a bloody matter,as they were decapitated before my eyes,after I was done with my killings.I ahd still order for the women to stay inside with their children,for they can not witness the bloody terrors I had done before my eyes,But yet I had a good excuese...I was drunk even the Senju knew it also,I had encountered a while back.Sensing no more chakara,I had decided to brun,or melt the bodies with my lava reaease,until I was then stopped.A man with gray hair had appeared before me,as followed by the Senju I had encountered a while back,They had turned to look at me,but my eyes were deactivated.The man with gray hair,and purple striped walked towards me"Women what had happened?"He asked,giving me the authortive look.Men had ran into the where the women,and children were,"Hashirama,Tobirama the women and children are indeed safe".The man had said,shouting."Well what do ya expect, ya Raccoon"He shot me a glare,for some reason he had reminded me of a Raccoon."These emn weren't being gentlemen so I decided to teach them a lesson"."Are you lost or something,we are into war"He said,He then sniffed me onto my plan red Komoino,as I had slapped him unto his face"And Hasn't your mother taught not to sniff a women,I'm ver sure your father had taught you well on how to score one,also"I shot him a glare.The man known as Tobirama had then growled at me"You insolent little brat".He growled.Hashirama then laughed"Well i thank you for protecting the women and children"He said.A nice man he was,with a kind hearted but then since I was drunk i had asked him"Has your mother ever told ya,your to much of fruit cake"I said.He had blushed a little,as the shinobi men were laughing behind him."What is your name?"He asked me,changing the subject quickly.I had pouted I am drunk,I have blood surrounded around me,and I feel like barfing,So i may say you can kiss the ground for my name"I said.Raccoon,also know as Tobirama had shot me a glare"This is a very disobideent women"He said.I shrugged "Deal with it,Now excuse me I may need to buy another shake,along with cursing the world again".I had said,rolling my eyes unto them.I ahd left fruit cake,and Raccoon their clueless.

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