A new hope

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(spelling is horrible sorry about that)

"You see Hashirama were he this circulation of hope for, an inflicted mirrior in wich I saw, a reflection of dreams"I said looking onto the sky.

"So wait a mminute is the era in wich Konohakagure were built on?"Bubble Gum asked curiously.

I nodded"In deed yes, aahhh I remember the help I had putted there"I chuckled."Help building Konohakagure, were nothing but the best choice I ever made."

"Akiza,MMadara and I decided since we had made the peace treaty between Senju and Uchiha, we decided to built this village called'Konohagakure'.Hashirama had said, grinning away.

I had looked amongst my surroundings, the nature, as I didnt sense that much of chakara to thin ait"So you really decided to agree with Madara"I said, Iin a tone in wich it sounded doubtful but yet happy.

"Yes are friend and I recalled our status, besides no more bloodshed, or women or children beinglost."

"That I am proud for, but yet I would really want to see women, aapart of the Shinobi, for god sakes, please let women take stand"

Hashirama nodded"Yes Konohakagure will be a will..a will of fire for any one..a sense of hope."

I smiled, he were really to bring a sign of peace, a settlement."Akiza I have decided, would you be part of founding the village alongst side Madara and I. "

I paused onto my footsteps."M-me?"

Hashirama had rubbed the back of his head sheepishly grinning"C'mon I mean, you are the one that helped brother and I with our difficulty in war, and I mean, you did protect, what us male would not, want to lose ever in this life, Akiza you are a women of great determination, and odd bbehavior. "He laughed.

Aside smirked appeared onto my face"Hmmp"I said.I had then only walked past him, as my llong strands of black hair, followed behind me.As I had only crossed my arms.

Hashirama had looked confused at me"Does that me, yes?"

"Just keep me in secret, I wouldnt like to be known that much, only by you, RRaccoon, and the creepy, deformed man"

"As you wish..sister"

I had only smiled amongst those words, did he consider me as family?.

"So where would this village be built upon?"I asked.

"We are almost nesr."he said.

In blinks of an eye, did I the spot countless shinobi males, into a deep huge hole..what seemed to be a crater."This is were Konohakagure will be built on"

"Intresting very, intresting."I said.

I had then spotted the eyes onto me, by many Uchiha's, and a few of the Senju males.I had then sighed"You had stayed oonto memory for the months you've been gone"Hashirama had spoken.He then grinned"Brother over here!"He shouted.

Raccon had then appeared, seemingly odd with his new clothing wear, I got use to him in war attire, just as Fruit cake."How is MMadara doing?"He asked.

"Doing much as fine, his allergic reaction is clearing out, but his death threats."Raccon had looked onto me"Are out the odiary, for revenge".I shrugged"Beats me, i would've suicide myself, even from his stare."

"Lord Hashirama this is wefe the store will be"A man yelled"Indeed KKatsuki"Hashirama smiled waving him.

I had then stared onto the volume,"Hmmm"I said.

"Akiza whatswrong? "Hashirama asked.

I had then done a few handsigns"Earth level!"My eyes had then aactivated, as I had only moved the level up a bit.Seeing the men lose their balance, a trembling a little"It were a bit unlabeled, uneven, the people would have to use a ladder to live in Konohakagure"I laughed.

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