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Damn it, not old man Reshi just Damn no! I yelled it mentally.Old man Reshi were-I couldn't think to much to say.In fact hell a shake weren't served by him towards me.There was nothing wrong with another person serving me shake, but the fact were Reshi were a good man of wisdom, he gave me a thing called hope since he were old.

I went through hell don't damn know, but im pretty sure I were lost as hell.Just how long were I in war, just how long were I gone to not even know of Reshi death.

That pain hitted me suddenly like a Kunai, towards my heart humanly feelings I felt.As then my eyes, thank then anger, they wete now working, but now were iI to destroy what were in my paths.

A dark glowing purple, as I saw from the puddle of whatever did the comas take in its place.I started remove what were once a beautiful land, into dirt dust.I yelled"Why You!"l couldn't seem to control it no more, I...I cried. Frustration, pain, sadness.There it were, nothing could stop from destroying things.

That beautiful tree, were berries were, are now the dust of my anger.I yelled even precious name out."Akiza Stop!!"I heard fruit cake yell, I turned around."Shut up!!"Then that is when...I truly regretted it.Raccoon, fruit cake witnessed that day of why it were never ment for then to interfere with a mad me.

Streamed with rage did I only, turn with such rage to remove with my rennigan"Burn in such hell, you did this to me!"Reshi, I couldn't get his last words!"Angry tears were they my bangs, flowing through thin air.As I had then stopped, falling towards the ground on my knees.

My hair had gotten back to place,as it fell to reach towards my knees.My outburst were to so damn uncontrollable.I had clenched my fist toes rrods the dirt"Old man Reshi is dead, nor did he give me his last words.He left this world an old perv, a man with strong wisdom, one that believed in me...Ya fruit cake."

Wood were then to be tied around me, but my rennigan were only to stop the restraint so simply."Senju, Uchiha is no more a matter with me".

"Akiza"He said, as he breathed heavily.He were scared eaisly by me.Racoon seemed to looked at me so deadly."Brother I told you she were to do this.Sheis a trader."

I stayed silent, Racoon weren't so right. I stood up, as they both flinched prepared for any upcoming attacks.I turned around a walked away,"You both just leave me alone tell my family ill be ggone"."Akiza you can't leave on your behalf, you need both our approval"Hashirama said.

"Until next time".I said, silently.

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