The shake and the womanly Uchiha

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I never left, but did I need time to overcome his death.Old man Reshi were an old Pervy man, but yet he were a man of strong wisdom, strong beliefs that had reminded me, of a previous old man.Thst the world would soon come into peace

Ive been gone, for who the hell kknows.It seemed years, but how I remembered it seemed months.Ive stayed in a cave, I once were to call home.That dark lonesome cave, were when I decided talked my voice would speak back towards me.

The droplets of water, that echoed along with my voice.The fire that I had ssettled up, the crispy red color, traced by the dark aroura orange, dancing amongst the wall, with my shadows.As I whistled a tune, that Hashirama had taught me, echo as I felt not as lonely no more.As i felt my own loneliness consume an achein me.

I had grabbed the towing, my bangs converted, as were I could see, as i had played with the fire."I wonder what Fruit cake, and Raccoon are up to now?"I thought to myself.I remembered how walked out on them, how raccoon accused me of me not to be trusted..I mean come on i were angry, venom is allowed to kill, a inoccent rat when a snake feels harmed.Or hungry.

"So I see now insolent woman, you live in this filthy cave, were you belong."I sighed."Beat it precious, not intrested in hearing, your troubles with women."A tall shadow were on a cave, as I shifted my eyes up, to see him...Precious.I were impressed, how did he find me? As I saw his arms croossed, a smirk,that strange perverted smirk, as I gave out a calm look.

"You know,you frighten me a little.""Do I"He said, making that smirk bigger.I shivered "Indeed you do,if I were drunk ill need a kunai with me".He raised an eyebrow, as he then leaned against the wall.Strange, he didnt wear his war attire instead he weared a navy blue Kimono, with a black sash, witha Katana on the sside, wearing block gloves.

"If you ask, woman your carryiny a wonder towards me, if I smell bait."He said.I made a nasty teasing face, as I kaughed"Wow, I didnt know you loved women that took a shower with fish".His eyebrow twitched"Oh please, if you were the last women on earth-"I cutted him off"You wouldn't still have me"I winked towards him.His face turned red"Thats not the point, you ignorant drunkard".

I shrugged,"Well MMadras, let's just say I drink my soul out, instead of expressing my feelings through paper.Like a woman"I smirked.He snapped"Those papers ate men that died from my fellow clan, documents".He said.

I cchuckled"Madara, oh Madara just by the way your dressing sandals and a dress, seems a good explanation why women dont come towards you as much."I then stood up,"The Senju and Uchiha claimed peace towards eachother"He said. I froze,that's why he didnt wear his war attire. "You didnt have to tell, I would've figured it on my own".

He gave out a chuckled"YYou've would've never found out, we both know already, how it feels like to lose soneone important to us."He said.Where was he going with this? I arched an eyebrow."Hashirama as followed by Tobirama, began a search for you 8months ago, indeed unlike me, there not as presistence for finding the main key, for people, a workd change".He gave out a seemingly, brilliant smirk.

His ppeircing dark eyes looked, onto mine as he then sighed"Just indeed may I ask, did you in incident try to kill them or on purpose?"My hands started to shake a little, as remembered what I had done to them

A silence.
The droplets of water.
The memory.
The Uchiha, with women like features.

"Never."I said.He gave out a dark chuckle"You indeed cried over a useless man, that did care to live anymore."My eyes widened, as I then in speed activate my rennigan, as I had him against the wall."What did you do?"I said, deadly.He didnt seem afraid, just so calm, just so happy, as if he took pleasure.His dark crimson red eyes activated as we both gave eachother, the death glare.

The aatmosphere, seemed between us both enjoyable.I swear, if he killed Reshi, I will take him to hell, to learn his misery, to enjoy my taste of torture. To witness, he isnt the only one with a pleasure for kill.

"You seem to react fast with the man, who were he towards you?"He asked calmly, deactivating his eyes.MMine were still on"Listen here Uchiha, I gonna warn you once, and only this once."I righted the grip on his throat.I saw fear struck in his eyes now, wich ment he werent calm.His eyes wete once to activate again.But with me,oh with me, Akiza no sennin am I to be.You never, ever mention the people I love.Or yoyr head is the perfect price."If you ever cross the line, or if you ever mention the people I love.Your head if the perfect regrouping for the previous.I will raise hell, I will torture you to ask why you even lived,.He couldnt seem to breathe.

I then grabbed his KKatana laughing, nearing to his neck a bit of blood surging out."I will protect the people I live, to love."A swirling then took place, as he then disappeared out of sight, as I then felt him behind me.Breathing heavily, grasping for air."Teleportation"I thought.He is interesting a little.I then closed my eyes, as then I turned around."Leave"I said.The sword then reappeared behind, as his eyes widend doing it quickly.As it got to rip the shoulder length of his Komino.I looked emotionless towards him.

He then laighed, a taunting laugh"Your as much of an aamazement towards me women"He said.Strange he still smiled"Im warning you, Precious."Gentle and as kind as I am, to give a damn about wether I cut your neck this instant is my d escion, with me you never will win.So I suggest respect, whenever you spot me is suitable for the matter."I then gave a teasing laugh, as I then laid my hands on my back in a resting matter."Besides I hate for such A precious like Uchiha, to cry writing expressing his feelings on paper"I said, joking.

"You dont know what your worth, for the Senju and Uchiha.You belive this is all a game towards you, you belive this is just cchild's play."He said serious."You insolent women,"Sages are you to be gifted your power is to be used in many wAys. "I froze."He then gave out a chuckle."Your in for a surprise"He then disappeared.

I sighed"Dear life, this man can not clean up after himself as I saw the broken pieces fro. The cave wall.Yet were fear to arise in me.

That is one hell of a Womanly Uchiha, as I sniffed a sshake cent.Were he drunk?

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