A morning of precious rampage

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"Akiza look over here!"A voice had  said in which it seemed to remind me of a dear old friend.

"Turn this way,no,no Akiza you are heading the wrong way,just follow my voice will ya!"

I turned and saw a bright glow but nor could out make the persons face out.The glow had began to fade slowly away,as it dispersed,I only stood in the middle of the darkness,confused and for the dear life of me scared.

My eyes had opened suddenly by the loud bangs of an angry Uchiha,as my eye brow had twitched,I had gotten up,"Damn it women we don't have all day what are you doing?Bathing with rabbits!"

A bang had continued on,and on as i had sighed wrapping the blanket around my body,the weather still hadn't changed since I last came here.The mornings were fresh but cool,I had slided the door open as he stopped knocking,"Do you not know what time it is?Its nearly evening and your sleeping still as if there is no care in the world!"

I calmly spoke,"I not a morning person plus we still have three days towards the mission ends."

He glared at me,"Three days you say."Precious had laughed,"I tell you what three days is to me,I expect things done by the second day not by the week.Now that you are awake get ready!"

I smiled,"You want me to get ready?"

"Yes!"He yelled

I chuckled,"Give me about two more hours"I smiled,"Besides bathing in rabbits I have never tried."I giggled.

He gave me a disgusting look as he sighed and he turned and walked away hearing curse words fly out,"I do not know why I agreed to come,I do not know how Hashirama sees her noble or even declares her at that.The women is a disease I tell you!"

I had shouted across the hallway,"The more you keeping on yelling wont solve our separation even more!"I said in a teasing voice.

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