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"Madara Uchiha was a drunkard!"The goofy looking brat said, amazed."Naruto!"Bubble gum had raised her voice at him.My eyebrow had twitched,"Both of you brats shut it."I said, I had then sighed, as both had curious looks on towards ther.e faces.I still felt this sadness roam through even after several decades."Let me finish"I said calmly. The both nodded with content. "Well what happen after that weird old guy, Madara Uchiha? Naruto Asked.I had then began.

Sometimes in wonder, why weren't you I to always feel these feelings of grief? Why did I in fact seem to much seperate from others? That were the question I were to always ask myself.

But at the end I knew there wasnt as much to say.I knew now that NMadara knew my hiding place,I knew I couldn't keep hiding.I had gotten up that next following morning.I didnt have as much to look forward to, but yet again I knew everywhere I were to go Madara would be there.

The thought of it gave me chills, that smirk, the way he arched his eeyebrows, the way he laughed.I think after this, im just gonna sleep away if Hashirama and Tobirama and I encounter.

I had left the cave, as I walked as yet sorrow still seeped my bones.I still ccouldn't belive he died, Madara just how did he-"You know, women walking alone while sad isnt a good option."I heard his voice.A paused for a moment, but then I sighed.

I had walked on, as thoughts filled my mind"Ignoring are you."As I heard his footsteps behind me .I sighed heavily.I walked on,"Sadness isnt a good ooption. "I had then turned around,"What the hell, is wrong with you.!"Madara smirked, as my body shivered.

He shrugged,"I spotted you on the way, thought company would be needed."he said.

The wind past on by between us, as it pick up my hair smoothly, I had ssquinted ny eyes.Silence were between us, as the howling of the winds came to play.

He arched an eyebrow towards me"Are you gonna keep standing there looking on towards me, with love on your eyes, or are you going to except my offer?"

I sighed turning around, as I only did a few handsigns disappearing on.Madara seemed a bit odd to say, he were following in wich I seemed a bit creeped out by.I had arrived onto the opposite side of the east, of where he layed.He hell it were a great 30,000 miles away from the Womanly Uchiha.

I had landed onto my feet swiftly, as I yawned a little"Your going the wrong way, the Senju ccompound is towards west."I heard him say.My eyes had widend, as he were only 10 feet away from me."How th-!"He gave out a chuvkle"Im faster"he said.

I gave out an annoyed twitch, as I could oonly tell from Madras smile he took joy towards this.I gave out calm sigh"Okay before I get any nearer from killing you, what is it you want? Your worse than the other men that are onto the bar following women."

"Nothing"he said simply, shrugging of his sshoulders."You really want me to fight you, dont you?"I said giving out a facial expression of realization.

"Maybe, maybe not."He said, crossing his arms looking ontowards with his piercing stare.

I then gave out a brilliant smirk remembering, that time of his brother time for insults"So Izuna?"

He began to drift his eyes towards me with a serious look"What do you want with my brother."I had then sat onto a tree stomp,"Well Nadara your following me, I must guess you want a conversation with me".

He looked at me, with a famous seeming to be look of an UUchiha. As I gave him a bright smile, grinnning"Your smile its creeping me out a little"He said.I gave a laugh"Oh its just me."

He stood, still with him arms folded"That tTim we were on were, I heard a soft voice saying brother towards you-"Izuna were my last and younger brother and I suggest if you have any insults against him,your younger better not be out or youll lose it."He said,with a threat of venom towards me.

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