Author's note and some info

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Good god how long it been since this has been updated for real.... Look I want to apologize for not updating or anything... it's just... I'll be straight up with you guys I can't stand Naruto anymore. I haven't for a long time. So if this ever gets updated it's by the other authors and not me the original. I wrote this book for shits and giggles a little less then four years ago. I haven't personally written anything in three years for this story. So if you guys have stuck around for this story try not to get your hopes to high since from what I've been told the others don't care anymore for this. Ones left and the other is doing her own thing. So if you guys get mad or something I completely understand. I loved this story at some point , but now I don't know how I feel about it. No I'm not gonna delete it, but till further notice it's either on a permanent hiatus or abandoned. We'll see in the next few months.

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