Chapter 02.

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Harry flipped his hair a few times in the mirror. This was really happening. He took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. The door opened and he rolled his eyes. Let the torture begin.

The guests in the chapel all turned to face Harry, and Anne walked beside him, smiling at how handsome her little boy looked. Louis kept his eyes on the carpet in front of him, before finally turning to face Harry, who admittedly, did look incredible. He took a deep breath, as his future approached him.

When they finally made it to the altar, Harry kissed his Anne's cheek and felt her hand slide as it let go of his. Her son was getting married. He tightened his mouth at her and turned as he looked at Louis. His hair was styled to practical perfection, and he was standing with his legs a foot apart, his hands locked behind his back. He looked like he was getting arrested, and then Harry realized this did probably feel like a prison sentence to him. But he had to admit Louis was incredibly attractive in that tux.

Louis eyed Harry, involuntarily, and blushed, turning to face the priest, who began the ceremony. After what felt like hours, he asked Louis, "Do you, Louis William Tomlinson, take Harry to be your lawfully wedded husband..." Louis felt as if he could pass out as the priest recited their vows and finally said, "I do." He slipped the ring on Harry's left finger, realizing what a fucking massive hand he had. And that it was shaking.

Then he turned to Harry, repeating, "And do you, Harry Edward Styles, take Louis to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, in..." Louis shut his eyes tight, knowing Harry wouldn't mean any of it.

"I guess..." Harry mumbled, as his eyes met his mother's as she was giving him a very dirty look. He sighed. "I do," he corrected himself. He looked back at Louis. Why the hell were his eyes closed? he thought to himself, as he slipped the ring down Louis's dainty finger.

"Then by the power invested in me, I hereby pronounce you, life partners. You may now kiss," said the priest, and Louis opened his eyes, blue meeting green, as he looked at Harry. Anne and Jay sat, dreading the possibility that the two couldn't even bring themselves to kiss, but surprisingly, Louis leaned forward, pulling Harry in by his waist, and kissing him like he actually might have meant it and not completely hating the moment.

Harry actually kissed back. Wasn't like he wanted to, he just thought he might as well try so that Anne will be happy. But he had to admit Louis was an amazing kisser. Why was he even acknowledging anything positive about this fucking asshole anyways?!

Louis lingered a bit, surprised neither of them pulled back. Hearing the clapping and cheering, Louis finally pulled away, and looked at Harry. People were whistling and exclaiming in the background, but Louis just kept staring at his newly titled husband. "...we're married," he finally said.

Harry laughed softly and shook his head. "I can't believe this is happening." He didn't say it in a rude way, it was more of a humorous way, after the kiss had softened him up a bit, more used to Louis's aggression, not his tender kisses. He stood there looking at everyone who were oblivious to the reality of this situation--Harry and Louis's friends and family genuinely believing this was real-- then looked at Louis and smiled, raising an eyebrow, self-consciously. "Why are you staring at me..."

Louis repeated, "We're married." He scoffed and chuckled to himself, in disbelief. The guests cleared out to the exit of the chapel, and Jay led the way. Anne walked up to the couple, grabbing both of their hands and guiding them outside.

"We've arranged for a surprise," she said, smiling, as they stepped outside, where a convertible was parked, with decorations and the back windshield reading, 'Just Married, Mr. & Mr. Stylinson'. Anne looked back at her son and son-in-law.

"Isn't it cute?" she asked, and Louis's hand dropped.

"Adorable.." he said, trying to take it all in.

"Stylinson?" Harry giggled "Is that really my new last name?"

"Well, on your marriage license, no. But that's what it says on your card and honeymoon package to Paris," Jay answered, approaching and handing the pair their tickets.

"Honeymoon? Mum, you said--" Louis disputed, but Jay raised her hand.

"This is still a wedding, and a wedding calls for a honeymoon, doesn't it?" she asked, and Anne nodded in agreement. Louis looked at Harry. "Well, we shouldn't let a trip to France go to waste..."

Harry sighed. "Well, lucky for you I've always wanted to go to France." He kissed his mother and Jay's cheek. "Thanks for everything, Jay, and I wanted to apologize for everything that went down that night."

Jay shook her head. "All is forgiven. I just want my boys to enjoy a little break from the stress we've all been experiencing." Louis fought back the urge to roll his eyes. 'Sure, relieve my stress by sending me on a romantic getaway with someone who hates my guts and who I want to strangle. This is so twisted'.

He sighed, walking down the steps towards the car. Jay coughed, gesturing to Harry. Louis sighed again, walking back up, taking Harry's hand, and heading back down, as the crowd cheered more. Piss off, Louis mentally shouted.

Harry looked at their hands and blushed only a little. Their hands fit terribly perfectly together. "You're driving," he said as he let go of Louis's hand and got in the passenger's seat. He looked at his mother and Jay. They both had tears in their eyes. Harry felt his heart swell,  unsure what his mother was even feeling, what he was either. Why doesn't this feel as wrong as it should?

 Louis turned the key, surprised Jay didn't pay for a driver. He was thankful, though, because it meant no awkwardness in the backseat. He noticed a note on the dashboard, telling the boys their luggage was all prepared in the trunk. Louis chuckled. Their mothers had everything planned to the tee. He drove off to the airport, keeping the radio on, to avoid conversation.

 Harry looked down at his hands the whole ride there. He fiddled with the tickets. This was really happening, he was about to get on a plane to go to another country with the guy he hated the most. But for some reason, Harry felt his feelings slowly changing for Louis. Maybe it was the way he caught Louis staring at him after the ceremony. It wasn't that he had feelings for him. Because it was impossible for Harry to fall for someone as awful as Louis. But there was just something. He wasn't happy one bit about going on the trip, but he wasn't dreading it.

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