Chapter 10.

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"What's going on here?" Louis asked, approaching the burly man who had Harry pressed to the wall. He immediately yanked the back of his shirt, ripping him off of his husband. That felt weird. 

"Mind your business," spat the assaulter, and Harry turned around, wiping the blood off his face, after his cheek scraped across the rough brick wall. 

"This is my business, you're fucking with my husband," Louis defended, and the man raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, yeah?" he scoffed, darkly. "And that's going to stop me?" He proceeded with punching Louis in the stomach, eliciting a harsh groan from the shorter lad.

"Louis!" Harry shouted, running to help, but was promptly elbowed by the bigger man. He hit the ground, landing on his back. Louis coughed, and a fire ignited in him, seeing Harry now rolling on the dirty ground of the dim alley, groaning in pain. He forced himself to stand up straight, cranking his fist back before connecting it with man's face, sending him stumbling back into some trash cans. 

Louis moves to help Harry up, but the green-eyed lad shakes his head, warningly. Louis looks at him confused. "What?"

"Louis, fucking move!" Harry shouted, trying to shove him away, but he was tackled to the ground, the man repeatedly punching Louis's face as he pinned him down. "Stop!" Harry sobbed, crawling over to them and trying to pry the larger man off his husband. He begged him to get off.

Louis managed to get a few hits in himself, but every time he took a fist to the face, Harry felt like it was another pin being shoved into his chest. "Harry, go back to the hotel!" Louis demanded, not wanting him to get involved or hurt, and just to escape before this got worse. Harry scoffed. Was he serious? He wasn't going to leave him here to get beaten to death.


"Harry, fucking go!" he repeated, and Harry gasped in shock as the man took this as an opportunity to hit Louis particularly hard, causing Louis's nose to profusely start bleeding. He looked like he was going to pass out because he was so dizzy from the repeated blows. 

"LOUIS!!!" Harry screamed, then pulling the attacker off of him, with some sudden surge of strength nobody expected from him. He threw the man off to the side, pulling his fist back and smashing it into his face, crying as he did. "Don't fucking touch my husband!" 

Louis turned his head, as he lay on the gravel, and spit some blood out, not sure if he heard Harry correctly. He sat up, slowly, wincing in pain, as he saw with wide eyes Harry beating the shit out of the guy. Oh my God. He didn't think he had it in him, but clearly something fueled it.

And as hot as it was, Louis didn't want Harry to get arrested or kill the guy. He called out, weakly, blood seeping through the cut on his lip. "Harry..Harry, stop."

Harry only turned around, after noticing the man was almost unconscious and definitely not about to fight back anymore. He looked at his bleeding fist, appalled by his own behaviour. Where the hell did that come from? 

He looked back at Louis, who was wiping his mouth of blood. He blinked at him, confused and like he had just been temporarily possessed, having a difficult time processing what had just happened. He stood up, slowly, walking back over to where Louis was sitting, still unable to stand up, stabley. He helped him up, placing his arm around his shoulder and neck and guiding him back the short distance to the hotel.

The receptionist sat up in her chair, wide-eyed, having just seen Louis leave for the bar a little while ago, and he wasn't covered in bruises, dirt, and scars. Harry looked to her, and just shook his head, when she lifted her telephone, about to call an ambulance or something. He escorted him into the elevator, not saying a word during the ride up. Louis looked at him, weakly. What could they possibly say to each other? This was the most dramatic, chaotic, and fucked up honeymoon anyone could possibly have. He figured the only that made sense to be spoken in this situation was to apologize.

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