Chapter 07.

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"You." He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, and though, it should have been. Louis didn't want to believe he was that person. That incredibly shit.

"I mean, the whole school, really," Harry amended, seeing Louis's face flush with shame. He felt a bit bad for blaming him completely. But he also felt an odd twist of pleasure.

"Well, you can forget them," he argued, brushing it off. "Now you're off to university and it's all good livin' from there." He tried to motivate him by bringing up all the single guys that'd be there and how much more mature and less hateful people would be and the distance from his past and everything and surround himself with people perfect for him.

"All those people are going to be like, way out of my league, they would never go out with me..." he said, this time a little sadder. Why was Louis doing this? Did he not like him anymore? 

"Harry, enough of this self-pitying shit, my goodness," Louis said, gruffly. He took a sip of his tea, and sighed. "You're going to be fine. People will love you. They have to." Harry looked down, fiddling with his fingers on the table top. Louis sighed again, annoyed, pressing a hand on his to stop him. "Quit it, Harry."

Harry was about to apologize when he looked at Louis's hand. His ringless left hand. 

"Where's your ring?" Harry asked, furrowing his eyebrows. Louis lifted his hand.

"Oh. I took it off when I got in the shower. Must have forgot to put it back on."

Harry cocked his head, skeptically. "Hm."



Louis sighed. Alright then. And then Harry answered anyways.

"How convenient of you to forget your wedding ring and then come strolling down here for a breakfast date with the ethnic Justin Bieber quiff-styled casanova over there," he said, bitterly.

"What are you implying?"


Louis slammed his fist against the table, irritated. "What the fuck's the matter with you? Just talk to me, damn it! Admit it. You're jealous, which is stupid since we're not even fucking actually---" he stopped, noticing Harry's eyes lower again. When he looked back up at him, after a moment, Louis noticed it wasn't just plain jealousy. It was something else. "...I'll put it back on when we get upstairs."

"Don't bother," Harry mumbled, scooting his chair back and standing up.


"I'm going for a walk," he said, but Louis grabbed his wrist, standing up as well.

"I'm sorry if I offended you by not wearing the ring, but in my defense, it doesn't mean anything. There's nobody here we have to convince."

Harry bit his lip. Louis was apologizing, but saying all the wrong things afterwards. So last night at the Tower was more of an effort on his part, and Louis was just putting up with it. 

"You're right," he finally spoke, pulling his hand out of Louis's. "So me going for a walk alone on my honeymoon makes sense."

"It's mine, too," Louis reminded. "But it's your call." He looked at him, and Harry couldn't tell whether he was expecting an invitation or an excuse to go back to flirting shamelessly with the waiter.

Harry frowned. "It's your call as much as it is mine." 

"Jesus fucking Christ, let's just go on a fucking romantic walk then and convince all of western Europe we're in love!" Louis threw his hands up in defeat, before dragging Harry out of the hotel. Harry stifled a satisfied grin, but pretended to groan at him tagging along. 

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