Chapter 04.

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The doors opened and they all walked out atop the balcony, Louis letting go of Harry's hand and heading to the railing. He leaned over, carelessly, looking at all the ant-sized people below. He gasped in awe of the height they were at and turned to notice a couple having an intimate moment kissing and then to his left was an older man giving his jacket to his wife and rubbing her back as she stared out into the city. Louis turned back to face Harry, assuming it must be incredibly disappointing for him to be somewhere so romantic and not have an ounce of love for the person you're with.

Harry places his hands on the railing and looked out at the view himself. "Its so beautiful" he said softly. not really directing it to anyone in particular

Louis looked at Harry, sadly. "Yeah.." he agreed. A tour guide and waiter arrived at the top floor, approaching the couples and offering them wine. When he approached Louis and Harry, he presented Louis the tray with a variety of selections. Louis thanked him, taking a glass.

"And for your boyfriend?" the waiter asked. Louis looked at Harry.

"Oh, he--no, we're actually..." he stammered, not knowing what to say.

Harry smirked to himself. He turned to the waiter and smiled. "Isn't he just too cute? I guess he's still a little shocked about today. We just got married." He took a glass and looked at Louis, flashing him his wedding ring as a reminder. "Don't worry, babe, it's me and you forever now." He smiled and took a sip, deciding to play along for the hell of it.

The waiter frowned, a little disappointedly, and walked away. Louis looked back at him and then turned to Harry. "Who knew you could act?" he said, taking a sip as well.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me." He smirked and took another sip.

"I know like, nothing about you," Louis pointed out, suddenly realizing that the amount of time he spent bullying Harry he could have spent actually getting to know him. That is, if he didn't despise him and actually gave a fuck.

"Wouldn't expect you to." He looked back over the railing.

"I'm sorry," Louis said, downing his glass of wine, and looking intently at Harry.

"Why do you bully me?" he asked, taking another sip and looking back at him.

Louis looked down and sighed. "I don't know..." he said, quietly. "To make myself feel better...never works, though. Especially when my parents won't shut up about you." He scratched his chin. "Jealousy, I guess."

"Of me?" Harry laughed. "The last person you should be jealous of is me."

"Why not?" he asked. "You're smart, you're good-looking, you're going to go to university and put that all to use and become rich and successful, divorce me, and I'm back to being a disappointment to my parents." He didn't know if it was the wine or something else, but Louis was just spewing blatant truth right now.

"You think I'm good looking?" He raised an eyebrow.

Louis shrugged. "Made marrying you a little bit more tolerable," he replied with a smirk and shrug, reverting back to his less serious side.

Harry smiled softly. Truth was he was a little flattered "I think the wine is getting to your head, maybe we should go back to the hotel."

 Louis nodded, when his phone buzzed. It was a text from his mum, saying, "Send me a pic from your honeymoon! Appropriate pls love youu xx" Louis cringed at Jay's suggestion that he and Harry had already done it. He held his phone out and stood next to Harry. "Your mother-in-law wants a picture," he said, smiling at the camera.

Harry leaned in and smiled as well. His cheek was right next to Louis's, almost touching.

The flash went off, and Louis reviewed the picture, smiling to himself. He pocketed his phone and poked Harry's cheek. "Nice dimple," he said. "Now let's get going."

Harry blushed and put his still half full glass on a table with the rest of the glass and followed Louis back to the elevator. He yawned softly.

Louis bumped into the waiter again, who offered him a second glass on the house, and Louis smiled, gladly taking the free drink, which was the first of many. He downed it before they even reached the elevator, and appreciated French wine because it was stronger than typical wine and that meant he wouldn't have to feel anything for the duration of the trip, something that had been giving him jitters for hours. He got back in the elevator, no longer reaching for Harry's hand.

Harry absent mindedly reached for Louis' hand as he yawned once more. "So you never told me what you thought of me..."

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