Chapter 03.

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Pulling over in the reservation lot, Louis got out of the car, and chivalrously opened the door for Harry and grabbed the luggage out the back, without saying a word. He just left Harry with the tickets, not wanting him to do anything extra. They walked through the glass doors of the airport, checked in, and within an hour or so post-security, were seated beside each other, headed to Paris. Louis noticed Harry's hands clenched and knew he was nervous. "We can check into separate rooms, if you want," Louis had said, when they arrived to their single honeymoon suite.

Harry was looking around the hotel. Paris was gorgeous. He looked at Louis and shook his head. "No, it's fine, we're married right?" he said, still a little dazed by the beautiful building

Louis took his coat off and slung it onto the hook by the door. "Right," he replied, turning back around and flopping down on the bed. "It's been a long day, I'm exhausted."

Harry took off his jacket and unbuttoned the shirt he'd changed into at the airport, getting out of the suffocating suit and switching it for the comfort of what his mother had packed in his carry on. He almost dreaded finding condoms in there and some awkward note that said "be safe, love you xx" He shuttered, shaking the thought from his head. "Me too." He yawned and sat on the couch.

Louis kicked his shoes off and turned around on his back, when he noticed Harry settling on the couch. "Why are you taking the couch?" he asked, slightly offended.

Harry looked over at him "I thought since you were on the bed, I would take the couch." He shrugged. "Didn't want to make things awkward."

Louis frowned, still offended. "We're married, right?" he said, quoting Harry. "We just kissed and flew hundreds of miles to share a room with a heart-shaped bed, and you're going to take the couch?" Louis couldn't help himself, though he knew how overly touchy he was being about someone he could not and would not have feelings for.

Harry stood up. "Well..."

Louis furrowed his eyebrows at him and huffed, scooting over if he decided to change his mind, scooting over to what would become known as his side of their bed.

"Fine, we'll sleep in the same bed. Whatever makes you happy, babe." Harry walked over and jumped up the bed, not even noticing that he called Louis 'babe' a little too naturally, rather than sarcastically.

Louis scooted over more and blinked, second-guessing if he had just heard Harry's first moment of affection towards him. "Happiness is out of the question," he mumbled, returning to his bitter tone, snuggling up into his side of the comforter and blanket.

Harry rolled over and looked at Louis. He looked so small and child like from the back. That was until you got to his bum. That thing was huge, but in a good way, "Did anyone ever tell you that you have a big bum?" he asked as he stared at it.

Louis almost laughed. "Only everyone I've ever slept wi--" he stopped himself, and reworded his response. "Yeah, I've heard." He then rolled over. "Why are you looking at my bum anyways?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at Harry.

Harry looked up at him, a few strings in his heart pulled. He knew how Louis was going to finish that sentence. "I wasn't." He rolled his eyes and rolled back over.

Louis frowned a little, knowing even though this wasn't a traditional marriage, it still had the same basic elements. He kept his eye on the back of Harry's neck, where his curls stopped. "Can I ask you something personal?"

Harry sighed.


"Sure," he mumbled, not even bothering to turn toward him.

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