Chapter 09.

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"I'm sorry to bother you," Harry apologized, after entering Phoebe's apartment. She waved away Harry's unncecessary apology, as he stumbled inside. "It's fine, I know grabbing drinks after work was a bit last minute, but I didn't where else to go," he said, holding onto a coat hook for support.

"You seemed quite upset, and I was just wrapping up the last tour of the evening when you called. I can't let you go back to your hotel like this," she said, unaware that Harry could very well direct a cab driver back to where he and Louis were staying. 

"It's fine, I'm not in any hurry to go back," he said, slurring a bit. She guided him over towards  the couch after taking her coat off.

"Have a seat, Harry. I'll bring you some tea or something," she said, patting his back. He nodded. What the hell was he doing here? 

"Phoebe," Harry spoke up, turning to face her from the couch.


"I'm fine, I don't need anything. I think I've bothered you enough," he said, shifting to get up, realizing this had been a bad idea. She set the tea kettle, returning over to where he was sitting.

"It's not a bother at all," she insisted, her eyes glimmering. He swallowed, nervously. This wasn't just courtesy behavior. She might be kind of into him. And no doubt, she was an attractive woman. She emphasized that, flipping her black hair over her shoulder every so often and blinking softly at Harry with those blue eyes. 

"You sure?" he asked. She nodded, leaning in.

"You just need to take your mind off whatever's bothering you," she whispered, brushing aside a curl the wind had flustered. His breath hitched, feeling her breasts against his chest.


"Shh, it's okay, Harry," she said, softly, before closing the space between them. He furrowed his eyebrows, but somehow let himself ease into the kiss. He felt a soft hand run across his jaw and cheekbone, as she cupped his face. He gasped, parting his lips, and allowing her to deepen the kiss. He moaned, involuntarily, and her other hand guided his to the top of her dress's shoulder strap. Her bra was then exposed, and she pressed her body closer. 

"Mm, Phoebe," he said, weakly. He didn't want to take advantage of her or use her as a rebound, but considering Harry was the one obviously more intoxicated and she was more than willing even when she was sober to have her way with him, it seemed more like she was the one taking advantage of him.

"Relax, baby," she said, and he let himself be pushed further into his seat, as she moved to straddle him. "You're so tense," she said, massaging his neck, and he closed his eyes, her fingers moving like magic against his skin, but not soothing the nerves he was feeling because of this. She kissed his neck softly, and he lulled his head to the side, giving her more access. She guided his hands to her waist, and he turned to look at her. He gasped, mistaking her blue eyes for Louis's out of nowhere. "What?" she asked, startled as his body jerked in surprise, alerting Harry's drunken mind what was going on. Why did he imagine that to be Louis straddling him and kissing him? He shook his head, reminding himself that he wanted his first time to be special. He wasn't going to just give his virginity to anyone. Not to Louis because he was an asshole, and not to Phoebe because she was just an acquaintance, a very desperate one. But why the hell did he still subconsciously want her to be Louis when he had just had his own shameless affair with that damn waiter?

"N-nothing," he stammered, his breathing uneven. "I'm sorry...I have to go, my husband must be worried," he said, as if it was the most natural explanation to give in the world. Phoebe scrambled off his lap, immediately, pulling her dress over her bra.

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