Chapter 14.

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Harry woke up in the lingering ecstacy of the night before, Louis's worn body laying beside him, his arm around his waist. His eyes fluttered open, as he looked over to his husband's left hand, smiling softly. He felt Louis's chest rising and falling as he breathed, against Harry's back.

Last night was something else. It had been a little uncomfortable at first, but Louis's "experience" came in handy when came to helping Harry reaching a high he never knew existed. He just knew he didn't want that to be the only time, and he was holding back telling Louis over and over again those three words because he didn't want it to be impulsively blurted put during climax. He didn't know if it'd be weird to tell Louis how much he appreciated it, though. Like, if he had to pick the first time with someone, it would be him. Harry lay there, thinking for awhile.

Their bodies had fit so well together; his hands ran down Louis's back a little too perfectly and firmly, and even though he'd never had sex with him before, Louis knew how to angle his thrusts, where all of Harry's sweet spots were, what drove him crazy, what would send him over the edge. Arching backs and aching erections and desperate moans...for once, Harry wasn't embarrassed or shy or have to be intoxicated to act on the lust he felt for Louis, because it was him...fucking him, he supposed. Was that making love? He sighed, looking over to his boxers laying on the floor, and that desire flaming in Louis's eyes as he slid them off and proceeded to take Harry somewhere he'd never been before. He blushed, remembering how loud he had been, repeatedly panting Louis's name, and digging his nails into his back, only to apologize afterwards because he didn't mean to leave marks on his skin, despite the love bites that now littered Harry's neck, collarbone. He blinked when he felt the bed rustling behind him.

Louis slowly opened his tired eyes, quickly sliding his arm off Harry, his hands brushing the skin he had been so intimate with only a few hours ago. He swallowed, nervously, sitting up in bed, and wiping his face, exhaustedly. He had never put in so much work, paced himself with how quickly or deeply he'd push himself into someone he was fucking or how rough to be. He let Harry set the pace, asked him if he was okay whenever they sped up or changed position, and was oddly considerate of Harry's arousal and pleasure, rather than himself, which was different. He actually wanted to make it special for Harry, and was willing to restrain himself until Harry climaxed before he'd bottom out. He held him close and kissed him frequently, as opposed to erratic hip slamming and bruising the boy. He'd never been so gentle and slow before, and he was happy to find Harry had dozed off quickly after Louis pulled out, so they wouldn't have to talk or exchange any..."emotional" words. Louis knew he'd have to face it in the morning, though, but it hadn't mattered that much last night. It was the last night in Paris on their honeymoon, and Harry was putting himself out there, giving himself completely to Louis, and Louis didn't want to hurt him more by rejection than he would even if they did have emotionless, rough sex.

But that's just it. Louis didn't reject him. He trailed Harry's body down with soft kisses, ran his thumb along Harry's hips when he gave him head just to calm him down a bit, because he didn't want Harry to embarrass himself by coming too soon, something they came close to several times because Louis was prone to overstimulating his partners before actually getting on with it. But it was different. He was rocking into him, carefully, and actually making eye contact with was nice. Harry felt warm and right and just really, really...good. And he didn't know if he wanted to call it making love just yet, because to associate that with an action that really used to just be a shameless recreational activity for Louis was going to mean he had changed. Had he changed? Or was Harry just willing to have sex with a "manwhore" because leaving your honeymoon a virgin was even more embarrassing than having been a virgin this entire time? He pulled himself from his thoughts when Harry turned his body to face him. Louis's face flushed, and he suddenly felt his heart beating frantically.

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