Black Blood

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It was well past sunset when Cresana eventually emerged from Baghra's hut, Ivan her perpetual shadow close behind her. Cresana's mind was reeling from the revelations Baghra had discussed. Ivan, much to Cresana's surprise, also seemed intent on his thoughts. She realized that the Black General obviously had not confided his plans for her in Ivan, who Cresana had assumed was Kirigan's top advisor and right-hand man. It seemed that Ivan too was shocked – and stung, Cresana detected - at his lack of access to Kirigan's scheme.

At first, Baghra's statements hadn't shocked Cresana all that much. Baghra had told Cresana she'd been hand selected by Kirigan for a "special mission". This much, Cresana already knew. It was evident in the completely unorthodox events that had transpired in the past few weeks, beginning with her Trial and continuing through her apparent captivity in the Little Palace.

When Baghra had begun to talk about Kirigan's problems with "the Sun Summoner", Cresana's brow had knitted in confusion.

"Sun Summoner?" Cresana repeated skeptically, interrupting Baghra mid-sentence. The woman had regarded her with frank shock.

"You don't know?"

Cresana shook her head. Despite the Blades being tasked with protecting Grisha, Cresana had become increasingly more aware that she knew very little of the lore, politics, and language permeated Grisha culture.

"The Sun Summoner commands light." This time it was Ivan who spoke. Baghra nodded her agreement.

Cresana mulled this over in her mind. She knew enough of Grisha power to know that this power had never before been recorded in a Grisha. She also knew – or quickly surmised – that if the Sun Summoner commanded light, that positioned them as the natural opposing force to Kirigan, who commanded darkness.

"I see," Cresana stated after a few moments of contemplation.

Baghra had gone on to describe the Sun Summoner's discovery while crossing the Shadow Fold and her quick ascendency to power alongside Kirigan. Cresana was not shocked in the least to hear that Kirigan took an immediate and prying interest in the Sun Summoner. Cresana recognized early on that Kirigan wasn't just powerful, but also shrewd and intelligent. She had guessed (correctly, it would seem) that he would be the type of leader to make allies of anyone who could oppose him before they grew any the wiser. By the time the full strength of their power would rise enough to challenge him, they would be fully indoctrinated into his schemes. Otherwise, Cresana felt certain he would have them neutralized.

Therein lay Kirigan's trouble with this Sun Summoner. They were obviously too unique, too noteworthy, to neutralize, but it was also evident from Baghra's discussion that the Sun Summoner was not cooperating with Kirigan's plans.

"His plans worked, for a time," Baghra commented, gazing absentmindedly into the fire. "But, after a while, she got wise."

Baghra went on to describe how the Sun Summoner – a Shu named Alina Starkov – had slipped from General Kirigan's grasp and fled the palace. Baghra's story became less clear at this point as she referenced a variety of Grisha words Cresana was not familiar with, like "Morozova's stag" and "amplifiers" and something called "the Cut". It seemed that, at present, Alina Starkov and her much-sought-after Sun Summoning powers had disappeared across the True Sea, and that she was likely either hiding in Kerch or Novyi Zem.

Cresana vowed to listen, making every effort to retain the details, and decided to seek her own knowledge on these terms later rather than show her confusion to Baghra and Ivan. Although Cresana felt certain that Baghra meant her no harm, she also did not feel at ease. This was a test of sorts. Baghra was waiting for Cresana to do – or not do – something.

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