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For the rest of the week I was in a state of internal panic. I hadn't realized Ana and Nia had gotten that close over the last couple of months. Ana told me a while ago about a girl she had met in her Ap studio class, but I had ignored her. She's always having fantasies about girls in her classes, and for some odd reason feels the need to tell me about them.

However once I found out that the mystery girl had been Nia Mae it piqued my interest. They met in early august when her art class did figure drawing at the college. It was some summer event that the art students got to be a part of because they're ap. They met and realized weeks later they had the same class and have been inseparable, at least that's what Ana says.

Nia isn't from here, which makes sense why I hadn't recognized her. I may not know everyone but I do recognize an unfamiliar face. She's from the big city about three hours from here, moved here because of her mom's job. Her older brother also got into the University here so it was a win-win.

Nia is said to be the youngest of four older brothers. Which makes sense for why her and Ana have gotten so close recently, she's never had a sister. I don't know about cousins or anything but it must be hard to be in a new environment when you don't know anybody. I've lived in this shitty town since birth. I've left but only for visits so I have no idea what that's like. Ana could relate though, i think that's what makes them such good friends.

"I'm so excited! And I just can't hide it!!" Ana sings loudly around the house as she trucks around pillows and blankets. "Turn your music down!" Ma shouts from her bedroom. I look at Ana from across the hall, standing in my bedroom, my arms crossed. She runs back and forth , completely ignoring mom's words.

"That's what makes you beautiful!" Oh my goodness! She hasn't listened to those dudes since she was 12! I shake my head as I go to close my door. I plop down on my bed letting out a large sigh. Oh my fuck sticks Nia Mae is gonna be in my house!? I spring myself out of my bed and begin to scan my room for any mess. Wait, will that look suspicious? Wait, but my room isn't dirty...I don't know.

I lay back down letting out a large breath. Goddamnit! This girl has my brain in such a tizzy and she probably doesn't even care about my existence! For all I know she could be crushing on Ana and doesn't even like dudes! Ugh this sucks.

I shake my head violently to erase negative thoughts. I sit on the edge of my bed, turning on my TV. I might as well get some game time in.

I played my games for what felt like a hours. Who knew shooting shit could make the time go by so fast? I'm hollering to my friends over the mic when my door slams open. "Joonie!" I ignore the high pitched voice not really hearing it correctly because my headphones are on. If that girl is here to bother me I'm putting her in a choke hold! I mutter to myself as I continue to play my game. Maybe I should try more mobile games, this big ass screen hurts my eyes.

I ignore Ana's presence in my room, assuming that she's looking for some random item for when Nia comes over. I usually don't even play the game this long, but I needed a distraction to Nia's coming over or I was gonna lose my freaking mind. "Bro I'm literally right there where are you going?!" I shout to Anthony over the mic. He joined in after about an hour of me playing.

I feel a heavy weight on my back and before I know it I'm falling forward. My eyes are filled with inhumane giggles as I groan in pain. "Ana what the fuck-" I look up and see beautiful Amber eyes staring back at me. Her long twists are in a sloppy bun, some falling onto my face.

She gets up quickly after toppling me over, her and Ana's cackles filling up the room. Nia holds her stomach as she falls over laughing. "You were so shit faced!" Ana says between laughs. "Goddamn I've never seen you in such an intense game before". I scramble up and wipe off the non existent dirt off my pants. "When the hell did you get here?" I asked my attention to Nia only.

My face feels hot as I ask this question, and I can only hope that she doesn't notice. Whether she does or not she doesn't comment on it. "I got here like an hour ago!" she says in her usual perky upbeat voice. "Bro you were in this room for hours! Ma said to come get you so we can eat! We ordered pizza!" Ana says in a sing -song voice. She heads out of the room as I sit there flushed.

Nia lingers, looking at my game on the screen. I stare at her blankly not knowing what her reaction is gonna be. I bet I look like a typical guy right now! Ugh I'm so- "Hmm call of duty? I'm more of a Capcom, Mortal Kombat kind of girl." She smiles at me before heading towards my door. "Come on Joonie, let's eat!" she says in her adorable voice that makes me want to shiver.

I feel like I'm gonna combust from embarrassment. She leaves my room as I sit there shit faced. I sit there for a couple minutes before my thoughts are cut off by the sound of Tony's voice. "Aweee lil Joon bug girlfriends home!!" I hear all the guys snicker. I stand up and tell them to shut the fuck up before I turn off the game and head downstairs. This weekend is gonna be the death of me.



Thank U :)

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