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When we get back Nia rushes up to me snatching the snack bag out of my hand. "Aw damn no hello?" I place my hand on my chest, feigning hurt. Nia sucks her teeth before playfully rolling her eyes. "Hello." She says sarcastically as she rummages through the bags like a little bandit.

I look over at Jaime and he solemnly sits nexts to the guys. He puts on his best fake smile, but anybody that knows him knows that he's not ok. Nia, following my line of sight, nudged her head in his direction. "Is he good?" She asks with an arch brow. I shake my head subtly. I didn't really want to put him on blast in front of Ana so I tried to just leave it at that.

But Nia being the persistent person she is, wouldn't let it settle there. She pointed to her phone "Text me about it." She mouthed to me before turning to sit back down next to Ana. I plop down next to her as she sets our "son" into my lap. She sends her cute little smirk my way as I grab my phone out of my back pocket.

I gave her a quick little synopsis of what was going on with jaime. Her phone buzzes in her back pocket. Instead of her answering right away, she plays it off, talking to Ana like usual. Once they finish joking she casually picks up her phone checking her messages. She masked her initial reaction but I could see the sympathy in her eyes. She turns to look at me with a pout.

"Who was that?" Ana asks, digging her grubby fingers in my dorito bag. I suck my teeth at her. Nia slips her phone in her back pocket shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly. "Just mom doing a checkup." She says simply before going back to her skittles. Ugh can this girl get anymore perfect? I mean yeah I get she lied, but it wasn't like I'm hurting somebody by telling this lie, lie. It was a helpful lie. Nia and Jaime aren't even that close, but she is so caring that she shielded his weakness the minute she heard about it. And I know what you're thinking "Joon omfg she's just being a decent human being." Yeah I know, but you don't realize how hard it is to find one these days.

Everyone is quick to expose people. Leave people they claim to care about open, vulnerable, as soon as they even catch wind of a weakness. She covered Jamie's vulnerability, it's clear he doesn't open up and she understood that. She's genuine, and I love that about her so much. Wait..love? You're going a little far there Joon? Well technically I said I loved a good quality not her...moving on.

"When are these fireworks happening?" Tony complained, throwing himself back on the grass. "Goddess I'm ready to go home and sleep my life away." he groaned as he let out a strained yawn. Well all said our agreements, nodding our heads lazily. "Ugh I'm beat, I haven't been on my feet like this in a while." Nia says laying her head on my shoulder. I shiver in delight as she snuggles herself up to me.

Ana laid out on the blankets with her eyes closed, while her head rested on Jaime's lap. He froze at first and I wanted to intervene but he held up his hand signaling for me not to. He rested his hand above her head as if wanting to touch her but was not sure how she'd react. She suddenly grabs his hand and places it in her long black hair, as she snuggles up to him more humming in delight.

A small smile found itself painted on Jaime's face, as he ran his hands through her hair. Nia hums in delight watching the sight. "I think they're gonna be alright." She said quietly so only I could hear her.

I let out a pleased sigh, this is another level of peace. Nia begins to hum a beautiful melody to herself, as we watch the kids play. The guys playing and bickering going on deaf ears as we get caught up in our own world. My arms securely wrapped around our little joonie jr. as Nia's small arms wrap around my waist. Nia hums in delight as she snuggles closer to me.

"I really like you Nia Mae." I say quietly not really sure if she heard me or not. I had wanted to get it out all day, too much of a coward to. Despite our closeness the whole day, I feared to confess. It's different when it's said out loud. For some reason it's easier to just have something looming in the air, that you don't really address. You both know you like each other, and just flirt back and forth, it's easier that way. When you actually do the deed of confessing, there is still that fear of being rejected.

I sat nervously with my eyes closed hoping but not hoping that she heard me. I felt as if a weight had been lifted though. I had been wanting to tell her this since I first laid my eyes on her. Suddenly Nia unravels herself from me, still keeping her head on my shoulder. She takes my left hand and intertwines it with her own.

"I really like you, Joon." At that moment the fireworks went off behind us.



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