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Ana and Nia Mae came back shortly after with six ice creams, each carrying three. "I don't really know what y'all like so I just go y'all random stuff." Nia says with her cheeky grin. She hands Eddy a pink cone that he stared at in awe. He licked it immediatly letting a satisfied groan come from his mouth. "Is this bubblegum?! I love bubblegum! Thanks cutie!" He said excitedly as they handed out the rest of the cones. Everyone seemed pleased with whatever the girls chose.

Nia handed me a cone, with one scoop chocolate and one scoop mint chocolate chip. Who told this girl my favorite ice cream? Wait you dummy, she's friends with your cousin, what's wrong with you? I scold myself internally, at my stupidity.

I take the cone with a smile, as she plops herself down next to me. We found a seating area, close to the entrance. Nia, Eddy and I sat at one table, Jaime, Tony, and Ana sat at another. They were in close proximity so we weren't far from each other. Oh and let's not forget my son, who was happily squished between Nia and I as we sat next to each other. There was room for her to sit next to Eddy but she didn't and it made me giddy in seat.

"So N.M. did you really-" Jaime slaps his hand over Tony's big ass mouth. I held the bridge of my nose, knowing full well what he was about to ask her. "Hmm?" She asks innocently as she licks the chocolate off of her chocolatey fingers. I see Jaime jab Tony under the table before he quickly mumbles a nevermind.

"We need to try out more rides, come on guys, we ain't barely done shit all day. These two knuckleheads were feeding their faces all day. Y'all little lovebirds been cuddled up in your own world, and Jaime and I went to a shitty as scary house that made me want to hand myself!" Ana complained loudly as she finished her cone. Nia and I blushed at her words about us, but continued to listen to her mini rant. "Come bitches it's only 2 o'clock. Let's get lit! Let's ride the fuck out of these rides and throw up! Come on let's do some shit!" She abruptly get's up snatching Jaime by the hand. "Come on dino let's have some fun!" We all quickly finished our cones as we followed the crazy girl.

The rest of the day was filled with mind blowing fun. We went on this ride that shoots you up then drops you, I fucking threw up, but it was amzing! We all continued to ride these crazy rides, having the time of our lives. Jaime finally shook off his failure earlier with Ana, and just let himself have fun. Eddy and Tony were being, well Eddy and Tony, and the girls were having a blast. I never heard so much giggling from them like ever, but it didn't bother me at all. I actually loved seeing my cousin have so much fun.

Ana has a tendency to have this wall up all the time, it's hard to reach her. It's always as if she's protecting herself from somebody or something. It was so amazing to see her just live, and be carefree. I think Nia brings that out of her, she sure as hell brings it out of me.

I'm always so focused on my future, school,grades, pleasing my parents, that I forget to have fun. I forget to live in the present, and not live so much in my future. Sometimes you can live there so much you forget your present, so much so that you kind of get lost.

"Joon bug come on take a picture with me!" Nia says excitedly as she ushers me over to her side, handing Ana her phone. "Ok now hold me hand and give me that cute ass smile that I like so much." She said, making me blush as she directed my body how she wanted it for the photo. "Don't be such a stiff bitch, relax Joon!" Ana says annoyed as I stand awkwardly next to Nia.

"I know what to that'll loosen the tension." Nia says with a little shimmy. She turns to me suddenly unraveling herself from my arms. She begins to tickle me ferociously, making me laugh out loud. "Ok, ok stop!" I say in between laughs. We're both a giggling mess as Ana takes pictures of our interaction. "Y'all are so fucking cute, I can't wait till you guys make it official." She said giving Nia back her phone. Nia takes it back with a wide grin on her face. I just stand there sheepishly as she looks through the photos. "I love these! You look so carefree and happy, these are definitely going on my instagram!" She said as she looped her arm with mine, draggin me away to another ride.

By the time we're too tired and worn out to go on anymore rides, eat anymore food, it was dark out. I checked the time and saw it was 8 o'clock. "Aye guys the fireworks starts in half in hour." I announce as we look for somewhere to sit. We find a couple benches surrounding this pretty arrangement of trees. We all sit down comfortably. Nia snuggles up to me as I wrap my arms around her shoulder. Ana surprisingly leans her upper body on Jaime's chest, making him freeze before relaxing wrapping his arm around her body in security.

Eddy looks between the two of us and groans. "Awe all y'all are coupled up... I feel so single right now." he fake sniffles and wipes his face, pretending it's a tear. I chuckle at his antics. "It's okay my dude, you got me!" Tony says with fake watery eyes as they begin to fake cry as they hug each other aggressively.

Nia squeezes my body tightly, before looking up at me with doe eyes. "I wanna talk to you a bit later." She says quietly. "Before this day is out, when will we get some more alone time?" She says it in more of a question than a statement. I nod my head in agreement, before she lays her head against my chest letting out a small yawn. 



Thank U ;)

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