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Today is the day of la carnival! Honestly speaking? I'm not that excited about it, I'm not an outdoor kind of person. I am what they like to call a 'homebody'. I only leave the house when I have to, the only positive to this whole event is spending the day with Nia Mae.

"I'm about to get shitfaced in cotton candy!" Nia screams as we exit the car. We all carpooled in Eddy's mom's suv. I mean it's a nice ass GMC so I have no shame in saying that. I still can't believe his mom was so trusting in letting us use her car, my mom would never.

"I can't have your ass getting a stomach ache!" Ana chastises as Nia plump lips fall into a pout. Immediately wanted to tell Ana off, telling her that Nia can do whatever she wanted, and that I'd happily pay for it. But I kept my comments to myself. When she's my girl, I'm going to spoil the crap out of her, I can already see it. My spolied little brat....woah where the fuck did that come from?My mind is all kinds of fucked dealing with this girl!a Anyways..moving on!

"That is the joy of this kinda shit! Eat a shit ton of candy, go on a ride, and throw up all your insides!''Her doe eyes widen as she claps excitedly. "Hey it even rhymes!" She's always just in her own little world. She's so care free, it's something that I admire about her. Nia doesn't seem to care what others think, and if she does she hides it well. If someone suggests or tells her something they think she ought to do, if she doesn't agree with it, she doesn't do it.

There is no forcing Nia Mae to do anything. She's her own person, someone I desperately wish I could be. Me, just joon, not the joon my mother wants me to be, not the joon, my father wants me to be, not the joon my friends want me to be, just joon. I feel like Nia Mae brings that out of me, the urge to want to be myself. She's her,unadulterated, with no apologies and it's inspiring.

"So where to go first?" Tony asks as he puts his hands in his pocket. Tony gives Eddy and I a knowing look. I guess this fuckass plan is ready to be enacted. Tony came up with this whole scheme to get Ana and Jaime by themselves. Nia and I too, but this day was really for Jaime's punkass.

We heard there are fireworks later tonight, so after this long ass romantic day the boys have planned, Jaime is going to ask Ana out properly, as they watch the fireworks. Cringy I know, but whatever they think it's gonna work. I say just talk to her, that Ana doesn't really like romantic gestures, but they don't listen. I mean I'm just her cousin, what would I know?!

"I'm thinking, haunted house!" Ana screams suggestively and Nia immediately groans. "Aw come on the first ride and you want it to be some scary shit? Nah b your gonna have to do that one on your own, I'm not fucking with no haunting house." Nia shakes her head crossing her arms. I laugh at her little outburst. Tony gives me a look mouthing the word opportunity, and I just roll my eyes.

"Well we should just slit, cause I wanna see a haunted house, so count me in!" Eddy said excitedly. The girls no even realizing that this is w whole fucked up plot against them. "There's and even number of us..let's go in pairs." I facepalm myself at Tony's shitty excuse to get them alone together. But ana shrugs "ight then I guess eddy, your with me since you wanna go to the haunted house!" She says excitedly, I shake my head, damn plan backfired already.

I look over at Jaime realizing he hasn't said a word since he got here. I nudge his arm and he looks at me. "Stop being a bitch, go with her." I nod my head in Ana's direction, discreetly, so she doesn't see we're talking about her. Jaime shoulders slump as he looks at eddy. They do some eye shit, communicating with their mind, then eddy speaks up. "Nah girl ya manz needs to be fed, imma be looking for the food court." he said, throwing his arm over her shoulder. She is quick to remove it as she crosses her arms and scoffs.

"Yeah i think I'm going with you big boy, I ain't ate in like 30 minutes I'm going crazy!" Tony quickly throws his arm over Eddy's shoulder as they spin on their heels and walk away. "Everyone meet back here in two hours!" Tony yells as they both run off like elementary school children.

I give Nia a look, hopefully communicating something. I wanted this for Jaime but I didn't want to be so obvious like those idiots. So it'd be nice to have her on my side. Plus I'd rather hang out with her, than with my sister in a bootleg haunted house. No offense. Let's also not forget that I will not in under no circumstances leave Nia with Jaime, it just ain't happening.

I think Nia got the message because she looked between Jaime and Ana, then me before nodding her head subtly. What was her plan? I don't know, but I hope she's smoother than those idiots.

Nia skips over to me, linking her arm with mine. "Well I ain't going to no scary house, that's already been said. So you're on your own with that one babygirl. I guess I'm dragging Joon bug's ass to go find some sugary shit!" She kisses Ana on the cheek before dragging me away.

She waves frantically as we walk away, Jaime standing there awkwardly next to ana. Fuck I hope this goes well.

As Nia dragged me away I had to stop her. "Thank god you were able to read my eyes! Ah shit those two dummies were being so obvious!" I smack my forehead. I look down and realize our arms are still linked, and she's making no move to remove them. I blush crimson at the thought of her wanting to stay close to me. God I'm so easy. Only with her though, only with her.

Nia shrugs as she continues to walk with me. "Eh I lowkey ship them." She says matter of factly. "So you guys have to let me in on this romantic plot! I mean she is like my best friend. I know her!" She says excitedly. I nod and she begins to squeal. "Alright, want me to call the boys or you want me to just tell you?" I turn and see Nia's attention is elsewhere.

"Joon do you think you could win me that giant panda?" She pulls my arm in the direction of the stand. It looked like a target game, well easy enough I play them all the time. Maybe controllers are different..huh I guess we'll have to find out.

I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly, trying to play it cool. "Yea i guess." She begins to squeal as she drags me over to the stand. When we get there, it's some guy that looks like he hates life, standing there with a uniform. "We are going for that big ass panda!" She says as she pays the guy. He shrugs before going back to type on his phone. Wow, how typical.

So there are the aliens in a line, apparently they move once the game starts. There's a water gun that you're supposed to shoot them down with easily enough. I roll up my sleeves letting the guy know I'm ready. He smirks before starting,pssh what's the smirk for I got this.

FUCK! After 3 damn tries I still ain't pass this fucking game. Why the fuck do the little bitches move so quick? This feels like a scam. After the second try I lost my jacket making Nia hold it. It only egged her ass on more, standing beside me saying encouraging words. I'm doing all this for a fucking panda? You know what it's not that, now it's because I want to wipe that smug ass smile off that depressed bitches face.

Nia rubs my shoulders as I pay for the next round. She leans closer to my ear. "If you win, I'll give you a kiss." She said in the most delicate voice, you could barely hear. I looked up to see, and the uniform guy was paying no attention. I looked back at her, to see if she was joking, but she just had a wide smile on her face. She took my face in both her hands before quickly spinning it around facing the game.

"I said what I said pretty boy now get me my panda!" She said happily as she slapped my back playfully. Shit now I have even more reason to knock these little bitches down.


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