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"She said yes?!" Anthony asks, shocked. It had been a week since I convinced Jaime to stop being a little bitch and ask my cousin out. One week of him nervous fingernail biting. One week of endless planning. One week of stupid ass insecurities.

Jaime looks at all of us sheepishly "Well..." He trails off as fidgets with his fingers. We all arch our brows as we look at him suspiciously. "Spit it out ya lil shit!" Eddy yells in his usual enthusiastic voice. Jaime slumps in his seat playing with his fingers. We all groan at his unnecessary stupidity. "I uh kinda made it sound like a group thing..." he trails off as he cocks his head to the side.

I arch my brow. "What?" I was confused. I look at the guys and they're are all making the same confuzzled face at our stupid friend. "Well when I had uh.. asked her to go to the carnival with me she seemed...unsure? I don't know, I guess I just got antsy and told her y'all was coming." He buries his head in his hands in defeat. "So now she just thinks it's some group thing we're doing...she even asked if Nia could come." He sighed dejectedly as he hung his head low over the table.

Anthony tsked, shaking his head. "Jaime, jaime, jaime, boy are you stupid." He patted his back as Jaime whined in defeat. "I know!" He yells, throwing his hands in the air earning a few weird stares from the people around us. "But what else was I supposed to do! She was gonna say no!" Jaime semi freaks as we all watch him solemnly.

Is it bad that the only thing I can think about is the fact that Nia Mae will be there? That's fucked right? I should be being a friend comforting this pathetic sad man but instead I'm thinking about the kinky haired beauty that has been taking up my thoughts for the last couple months. "Well I guess we'll just have to make this romantic as fuck!" Eddy screams, making us all laugh. "We gotta do that bullshit in those movies where the friends help him out on his first date. We'll sneak off subtly and shit so yall can be together and shit." Eddy shrugs as we all nod our heads.

"Yeah then we'll do some double date shit and leave Joon with N.M. or should I say Joon bug!" He said the end in a corny ass high pitched voice that made me give him a look of disgust. Literally when any other person says that name it just sounds fucking disgusting. But when Nia does it just- "JOON BUG!" Hit fucking different!

I spin around and see Nia running at me with a blue mouth, a bag of skittles in one hand and a grape pop in the other. That's one thing Nia needs like a damn drug...sweets. If she doesn't she acts all cranky or sad and it's not fun to watch. I gotta keep that little girl fed, doused in sugar so I can keep that pretty smile on her face.

"What's up buttercups?" Nia greets as she sits down with Ana trailing in behind her. Tony shrugs and so does Eddy, not wanting to expose our boy to his misfortunes. "What's up with you pretty lady?" Tony says in a flirtatious voice, but it goes right over her head. She's happily eating whatever sugary shit that is coating her mouth a deep dark blue. Nia suddenly gasps looking up at all of us. "I heard we're going to a carnival?" She asks excitedly, bringing up the topic that none of us wanted to talk about.

Ana chimes in this time. "Yeah Jaime said we're going to some Adventure Land type shit. When?" She arched her brow as she stared at me. I shrugged, and so did Tony and Eddy. "How y'all plan a hangout day and you don't even know when we're going?" Ana asks suspiciously. She crosses her arms as she stares Jaime down. He begins to fiddle with his fingers, a sign that this boy is bouta faint. "We just can't figure out if we wanna go friday after school or Saturday and make a day of it." I quickly jumped in with a lie. No gonna lie, that was kind of smooth, I'm proud of myself.

Ana nods her head in understanding her relaxing face. "Ohh ok well we should go on saturday, make a day of it, instead of going after school and we only have a few hours." She shrugs, turning to take a skittle from Nia's big bag. Nia immediately swats her hand. "Nah bitch this is a no share zone." she said, hugging her bag close to her. Ana whines before crossing her arms and pouting. "Hmmp stingy."

Nia shrugs as she continues to happily eat her snacks. She suddenly grabs her phone out of her back pocket. After unlocking it she props it up on the table with her empty pop bottle. She slips her rose gold beats on her head and goes into her own world.

Ana see's that we are staring at Nia's sudden behavior and she laughs before explaining. "She found a new drama she's obsessing over, we won't be getting much interaction from her for a while." Ana laughs and we all nod our head in understanding.

The bell rings but Nia's cute little self couldn't hear the bell. We all started to get ready to go, hoping that she'd realize it was time for class. However she stayed glued to her seat as we all got ready to go. As we all stood I reached for her skittles knowing that'd get her out of her trance. As I reached I expected her to swat my hand away like she did Ana's but instead she just looked up at me then looked back down. "You better be lucky I like you...or you wouldn't have a hand." She said with a small smile on her face.

My face turned beet red at her sudden admission. I don't think she meant it in that way, but my mind is on overdrive. Even if she didn't mean it that way, that's how my brain is going to take it. I tapped the table in front of her and she looked up at me, those beautiful amber does give me a confused look. "There had better be a good reason you're interrupting my binging time joon bug." I sighed in relief internally, she's still using my nickname, meaning she isn't really mad at me. Wow I can be such a bitch sometimes.

"Time to go sweetheart." Tony said as he slung his backpack over his shoulder. I glared at him because of the cute nickname. There was a sudden feeling of possessiveness over her that I just couldn't ignore. Tony threw his hands up in surrender as I threw daggers at him with my harsh stare.

Nia was none the wiser, at least she pretended to be, to the whole encounter. She quickly got her things slinging her bag over her shoulder. "Ugh let's go get this bread." She huffed as she stood and walked in the direction of her class. It's a little saying I've heard her say on countless occasions. I asked her about it and she said it was just a mini motavation saying to get through the day. I think it's cute, even though in a school setting it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. She's quirky in that way...I love it.

Love it? Oh my galaxies I'm a simp



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