Chapter 6: Twins

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“Marilynn? Are you ok? Marilynn! Marilynn!” a voice cried out. That sounded like her voice! But why and how? “Please Marilynn! Open your eyes!” Am I Marilynn? she asked herself. Ivory force herself to open her eyes and look at the owner of the voice that resembled hers too much. “Marilynn!” the voice cried out again. Ivory looked up at the owner of the voice, it was her! The girl looked almost exactly like her! The only difference was the eyes! Ivory’s eyes were chocolate while this girl’s eyes were hazel; a greenish gold.

“Michelle…” Ivory felt her lips move and sound came out, but her voice sounded choked and ragged. She stare up at the girl she just called Michelle. She knew this girl was her sister, her twin, but Ivory didn’t have any siblings. How was this possible?

“Marilynn! Don’t speak! Please, you just have to hang on! Please! You can’t leave me!” Michelle begged desperately. Ivory tried to turn her head, only to find it useless. She did not control this body; it controlled her. Why does my chest hurt so much? I feel so lightheaded. Ivory struggled against the pain overcoming her. What happened to me? She stared up into the eyes of the fourteen year old girl that held her in her arms. But I’m seventeen. If she’s my twin shouldn’t we be the same age? Does that mean I’m fourteen again?

“Wh-at hap-pened?” Ivory choked out in a painful manner. Blood tried to escape from her mouth, but she held it back. Michelle’s eyes filled with tears and she began to weep. Ivory’s hand rose of its own accord to caress the cheek of the crying teen. For some reason it broke her heart to see this girl cry, especially so that she was the cause of the pain.

“Brother- he shot you! He kept screaming about devils and he shot you! Marilynn, please, you can’t die! You can’t leave me alone with these monsters!” Michelle wailed as she clutched Ivory close to her chest. Ivory struggled for breath. She could feel it; the hands of Death were upon her. She knew she didn’t have but barely minutes left, so she spoke her last words of hope to her most important person.

“Run, run away as far as you can.” Ivory felt her lips move again as words that were not her own escaped her lips. “Flee this endless cycle of pain. You know what to do.” A cough interrupted her dying speech and small drops of blood stained her lips. “Magnolia Wind, it’s where the next ‘us’ will be born. Warn her- you must save her before- they are coming. The devils are real- they’re coming for us.” A gasp was the last sound to escape Ivory’s lips before Death over took the body that was ‘Marilynn’.

Falling, Ivory was falling into eternal darkness. She did not feel fear, nor despair. She felt nothing, and that was the only thing she could feel; nothing. Blackness cloaked her, bathed her, held her. Darkness was her mother, and to her it felt normal, almost.

“Marilynn Turner. You are the daughter of darkness cursed to live for all eternity. Die and be reborn again. I am with you always, my daughter.” A voice called out from the darkness. Not from the darkness, it was the darkness. Darkness, Blackness, Abyss was her mother. Abyss was her mother, and that was okay. It felt normal, somehow. It felt right.

“I’m sorry, Mother. I failed her, our queen.” Marilynn cried into the darkness, no longer apart of Ivory. A cold icy chill surrounded Ivory. It clawed at her chest and throat, strangling her. She tried to cry out, only to find she had no voice. Suddenly she felt a bolt of lightning and she opened her eyes again.

‘This is the end, my end.’ The thought passed through her mind, but it wasn’t her mind. Images flashed before her: Holding a dying Marilynn in her arms, running away from home at the age of sixteen, finding refuge in the small town of Magnolia Wind. She remember writing down her life’s mission and hiding it away in the small library of a school. She remembered driving her car off the small bridge that connected her townhouse to the rest of the city. ‘I’m going to die at the age of twenty-four.’ Another thought resounded in her mind. ‘But that’s okay. I’ll get to see Marilynn again. I hope this time, for the first time, we are born as one.’ Michelle’s dying wish caused a tear to fall from Ivory’s eye.

The water forcing the glass to cave, the heavy pressure, the icy feeling; Ivory felt Michelle’s death as if it was her own. Just as she had felt Marilynn’s.

“My Queen,” called Abyss as it caressed her soul. Michelle’s spirit separated from Ivory’s, leaving her as a spectator. “We have failed you, but still, you prepared the way for the next Queen. Thank you, my Empress of Darkness.”

Ivory once again felt the cold grasp her. This time she knew, she knew it was the end.

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