Chapter 8: New? Feelings

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Ivory groaned and rested her head against her cool wooden desk. Her emotions were going haywire thanks to that ‘dream’. She didn’t mean to snap at Alekczander. He probably thinks I’m some spoiled human brat. Well, he seems dead stuck that I’m not human. But I am human, aren’t I? Ivory paused in her thoughts as she heard the microwave go off down stairs. She decided it was best to act like nothing happened, so she grabbed her new favorite book and calmly walked back downstairs.

“Back so soon?” Alekczander smirked as he watched her put her breakfast on a plate and sit across from him again. Ivory ignored the evil (in her mind) man and cracked open her book, taking a bite from her hotpocket in the process.  “If only I could have stopped him. But what would I have said? That I loved him? That I needed him? He wouldn’t want to hear that. So instead, I whispered into the wind ‘Come back to me, one day’. I know he could hear me, and that was enough.” Ivory closed her book, having just finished yet another novel. It was getting annoying how difficult it was getting to find a good read. She heard Alekczander clear his throat, again.

“What? Can’t a girl read?”

“It’s rude when you have a guest over, but otherwise you seem to be done anyway.”

“I never invited you over! You made up your own mind to come in! If you had set me down I would have been fine!”

“Yet you clung so tightly when I tried to set you down.” Alekczander smirked, concealing an evil laugh. Ivory growled and glared at the man as she finished her food. It was a rather amusing sight, at least to the vampire it was. He snickered and flashed behind her just as she finished. Alekczander wrapped his arms around her waist and nipped her ear. Ivory fell out of her chair and ran across the small kitchen. A huge, deep red blush was visible from ear to ear.

“I was delirious! What the Hell do you think you’re doing!?” She hollered. He chuckled and flashed in front of her. Ivory moved to shove him, but he caught her arms and pulled her to his chest. “Alek? What are you doing?” She tried to pull away only to feel his breath on her neck. “Alek?”

“Shh, you know, you look a lot like an old friend of mine.” Alekczander purred in her ear. Ivory felt a shiver pass down her spine. She stared into his coal eyes, mesmerized by the sheer depth she saw there. Just who was this man? And why was she so draw to him? “Ivy, you know I am a vampire. Somehow you seem to fear my gender more than my race. I have decided.”

“What have you ‘decided’? I’m not afraid of you, you know.” Ivory attempted to take a step back, only to find strong arms locked around her.

“I have decided to stake my claim on you. I am the oldest vampire within this territory. No one can refuse me.”

“Don’t I have a say?” Ivory growled and forcefully shoved Alekczander. He loosened his grip and allowed her to take a step back. “That ‘old friend’, it’s this ‘Saya’ person. Isn’t it?” She didn’t understand why, but she felt as if she should hate this Saya, yet she didn’t.

“Do you want me to claim you? Do you want my mark on your neck? I can give you power, strength. I can protect you, and help you with your ‘problem’.” Alekczander held her face in his hands. He didn’t know why, but he wanted to mark her as his. He wanted a claim on this beautiful girl that had struck his interest.

“You haven’t answered my question.” Ivory found herself glaring at him. She didn’t really care about his answer, as long as he answered.

“Yes, Ivory. You look like an old companion of mine, Saya. She has been dead for many centuries.”

“Is that why you want to claim me?”

“No, I find myself drawn to you. I refuse any harm or claim (besides my own) to befall you until I understand the basis of this feeling.”

“And then what?” Ivory closed her eyes and tried to imagine a reason to say no. Several came to mind; he was a stranger, he was a vampire, he could be lying to turn her into a slave, he was a man, he was a LOT older than her. Then she tried to think of a reason to say yes; he was gorgeous, it would make it impossible for Allen to try and claim her, it felt right. The bad was really out weighing the good.

“We will discuss it when the time comes. Ivy, do you want me to claim you?”

“I don’t know! But it’s not like you’ll listen anyway.” She huffed as she opened her eyes again. Alekczander smiled and bent closer. He gently pressed his lips to hers in a ghost of a kiss before flicking his tongue over her jugular. She gasped lightly and her heart sped up quickly. Without a second thought he felt his fangs elongate and he plunged them into the soft skin between her neck and shoulder. Ivory inhaled sharply and clawed his shoulder as the pain slowly dulled. A numbing sensation took hold and she began to find it difficult to stand.

“Ivy, it’s done. You are now mine, forever or until I remove my claim.”

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2013 ⏰

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