Chapter 1: A confession, of sorts

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Just a little writer's note here. If you find any mistakes please let me know!!!! Thanks and dont forget to vote/comment/fan or all of the above, pahhhhweeeze? Lol, love you guys!:3



This is a world where vampires walk among us… and yet we live on.

What if vampires were real? But they weren’t the vampires we read in books? Take a look into the world of Ivory Vine, a normal girl with a huge secret. “Um-m, M-my be-st f-friend is a Vampire?”

Chapter 1: A confession, of sorts

I remember the taste of him on my lips. He was sweet, almost sickly so. Still, he tasted faintly of copper, of blood."

Ivory looked up from the book she was currently immersed in, and cast a side-ways glance at her blonde haired best friend. Allen was splayed out across her bed, causing her to remain seated at her computer desk to read. Even though it was her room and her butt had fallen asleep (much like Allen) twenty minutes ago. She rarely got a chance to see him so defenseless, so she smiled as her eyes traced over his pale features.

His disheveled hair barely brushed his shirt collar yet completely hid his eyes from view (at the moment). It didn’t matter, she knew those crimson colored eyes of his better than anyone. Allen lay on his stomach, clutching her favorite fuzzy purple pillow to his face. He was wearing his signature lightly colored t-shirt and slightly baggy jeans.

Allen was a good looking seventeen year old boy. The hottest senior in Magnolia High, many would agree. But to Ivory he was just her best friend. And though many girls would find it absolutely sexy that the thin yet much built teen would slightly mumble in his sleep (with his ever so sweet voice). It simply annoyed Ivory to no end that he had the audacity to go to sleep on her bed.

“Oi, Allen, get up! That’s my bed, and I would like it back, please.” She added as an afterthought. He may be her best friend, but he was also a blood sucking ninja. Well, not really a ninja. But he IS a vampire, so that’s pretty close, right? Ivory laughed inwardly, causing a smirk to play across her features. Yes, that’s right. Ivory Vine (quiet an ironic name I know) was best friends with the vampire Allen Thomas. When Allen didn’t respond she grabbed a nearby textbook and chucked it at him, hitting him straight in the forehead.

“What the Hell was that for?” Allen whined, rolling over so he could get into a sitting position. Ivory stuck out her tongue at him, “Baka! I told you to wake up and give me back my bed!” she was sitting with her legs crossed in that sassy way she always did, slightly leaning back with her arms folded across her chest. “Meanie, were you reading another manga? They’ll rot your brain you know.” She just glared at him, her chocolate eyes sparkling in the dim light emitting from her desk lamp.

“What I read is none of your business! Get out of my bed you baka usagi!” Allen chuckled as he rose to his feet, slightly swaying.

“First I’m an idiot and now I’m and idiot bunny? What have you been reading?"

Ivory dove for the bed and landed diagonally across its surface. She flipped over onto her back and stared dreamingly at the ceiling, “Have you ever wanted to be different? Well, I guess not since you are special. I do though, I wish I was special.” Allen looked down at her; her bronze hair spilled over the edge of her pillow, the curves of her body, her slim waist, her full hips and breasts, and finally her soft lips, her high cheek bones and warm eyes. Those eyes were so full of the understanding only she could give him. Only she knew his secret. “Being a vampire isn’t as fun as you may think, Ivory. It can be lonely.”

“I’m not talking about just vampires. I just think it would be fun to be something other than human. We humans are so boring.” She whined in that slightly annoyed tone she often used with him. Allen rolled his eyes and smirked at her, an evil thought forming in his mind. Before Ivory’s brow could rise in confusion at his half smirk, Allen flopped down on top of her. She froze under the sudden weight, sure he didn’t use his vampire speed but she still hadn’t seen it coming. His body was parallel with hers, and that frightened her in a way she had never felt before.

“I may be a vampire, but remember I am also just a seventeen year old boy. Don’t tempt me, Ivory. I might just have to make you mine.” His words were barely that of a whisper, and she heard every word. A shiver coursed through her body as she understood the meaning behind his words. Yet she knew not if it was of fear, discuss, excitement, or even lust. But he was her friend, her best friend, and she did not want to ruin that. Ivory tried to roll over under his weight, and caused him to fall off of her in the process.

She was across the room before Allen’s eyes could follow (and that’s pretty dang fast). Her words reached his ears just as she disappeared from view. “I’m going for a walk. Clean up your mess and leave before I come back.”

It was a clearly stated rejection, and it broke Allen’s frozen heart. He sighed to himself, thinking if only he hadn’t forced himself on her maybe she wouldn’t have said no. At first he had thought she was going to say yes when she stiffened and blushed beneath him. Was he really so wrong?

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