Chapter 4: Enter My Lair

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“My mom works nights.” She sighed and leaned into him once more, her skin was so cold. Alekczander simply nodded as if it was the most normal thing in the world and proceeded to carry her inside. The small house was tidy, and bathed in sandy colors. Following her weary gaze up the stairs, he used the clues of her facial expressions to find her room. It wasn’t hard, considering there were only two bedrooms to choose from. Ivory’s was the one with a violet ‘Keep out’ sign hanging on it.

“Interesting…” he mumbled as he drifted inside. There was no light on, so he flipped the desk lamp on, shifting her weight in his arms as he did so. The pale light illuminated the tiny room, bouncing off the walls and shelves in odd patterns, causing strange shadows to dance along her deep violet walls. He laid her on the bed, after he pulled back the heavy black comforter. Her taste was something out of a gothic fantasy, and he found her even more interesting. Ivory whimpered as she was left alone on the cold mattress. She didn’t care if she sounded like a child, she didn’t want to lose his warmth.

“I’m cold.” She complained, snuggling into her fuzzy pillow. It smelt like Allen. Alekczander seemed to pick up on the faint scent with disappointment. But why is that? Ivory thought, her mind becoming hazy. It was happening again. Every so often she would black out around midnight with fatigue and awake the next morning as if nothing had ever happened. She knew she should tell somebody, but what was she going to tell them exactly? She couldn’t explain it, so she just kept it to herself.

“Your soul is very weak, have you been experiencing any fatigue?” Alekczander sat on the edge of her bed. He seemed to be studying her, gazing into her eyes as if he could read her heart. Maybe he could. Several emotions passed across her face as she registered his question. Confusion, what did he mean? Revelation, as if she had just found the answer. Fear, how did he know? Finally, he had seen what fear looked like across her features. It was pure instinct, and he loved it, yet he became saddened. He did not want her to fear him, but he did want to see every face she could make.

“I’ve blacked out a few times. It always happens around midnight though, and only occasionally. Why?” her eyes were becoming hazy. Ivory shifted so she could lay her head on his lap, it was so warm. Alekczander smoothed the soft curls from her forehead as he gazed down at the breakable creature that was Ivory. She was so different than any mortal he had ever met. She was so understanding and accepting. He wanted nothing more than to protect her.

Protect her? Where had that thought come from? Why should he protect a mortal? “Because she’s special.” A voice in his head replied. Damn inner beast had to insert his input! What would you know? He snarled back to the voice. “You know I’m right. She smells different. And she can live with a dying and bound soul. She interests you, and she looks like her.” The voice resounded in his head again. Shut up! I refuse to use her as a replacement for her! Besides, she’s mortal. I can smell it on her.

“Alekczander, you’re scaring me.”

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