Chapter 3: Mortality

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“I’m human, duh. What else is there?” her answer shocked him. She couldn’t possibly be human; her scent was unlike any other. More shocking still was her eyes, she seemed dead sure she was right. He cocked his head to the side as he studied her more closely. She seemed human enough, and yet he felt a mysterious aura around her. He let his ‘inner eye’ shift as he looked at her through the spirit world.

And there, gazing into the world only known by those who have cheated Death, he saw her for real. Her soul was translucent and bound in heavy chains, almost as if someone had placed a sealing spell on her. This girl was no human, that he was sure of, and she wasn’t a vampire either. So, as to repeat her earlier question, what else was there?

“You’re no human. What are you really?” he stood and placed his hands on the back of her chair on either side of her head. She seemed puzzled at this, but held her ground.

“Look, I don’t even know your name and you’re going to accuse me of lying? Think before you speak, I know how to handle your kind.” Her gaze met his in a steady glare. He was barely inches away from her, and she could smell the faint musk of the man he used to be. The scent washed over her, and she tried to not let it show, as she met his eyes. She could see the lust in his eyes, but it was an animalistic lust. He wanted her blood, he craved to drain her dry, and she still held his gaze. Instead of shrinking back in fear at his inhumanity, she was awed by his self-control.

“My name is Alekczander Skyvern. And what is your name, little beast?”

"Ivory Vine, pleased to meet you Mr. Skyvern. Please remove yourself from my personal bubble now, would you?” she smiled warmly at him. He had such a strange name, but so did she. He leaned back and sat in his chair once more, but he moved it close enough for his knee to brush hers. He was fascinated by this strange young girl, and she didn’t even seem to fear him!

“Miss Ivory, you may call me Alekczander.” He put on his most charming smile and leaned forward, placing his chin in his palm and his elbow on his knee. He could barely see her in the spirit world, but he knew that this was not the girl’s ‘true’ form. He wanted to break the chains that bound her and get a glimpse of her in her full glory. She smiled back at him, and he was dazzled. She had the most beautiful smile. How could, just a moment ago, he have thought about tearing her throat out?

“Okay,” she began as a frown slowly made its way on her face. She was beginning to feel unwell, and she knew she had to get home. “I have to go. Maybe we can talk again sometime?” She stood slowly, cautiously. She couldn’t explain why, but she felt a draw to this man. It was as if she had known him in a former life or something.

“You have to leave? Why?” he stood with her, it was as if his soul was telling him to not let her out of his sight. He watched as she shook her head and smiled softly. Tawny curls spilled over her shoulder as she leaned forward slightly.

“I have school you know. Maybe we can meet tomorrow or something? We are neighbors now.” Her voice was light and soft, a completely different tone than before. It seemed just being in his presence had changed her attitude. He nodded and scooped her into his arms, preparing to flash her to his porch. He had not expected her to lean her head against his chest, however, and it caused him to stumble. Why was this mortal girl so relaxed in his presence?

And then Alekczander noticed something he hadn’t before, the reason her soul was so translucent, she was dying. It wasn’t purely out of comfort or trust that she leaned on him! Ivory was too weak to stand on her own. He lifted her into a bridal style carry, and smiled softly as she blushed. He quickly carried her outside and in the direction from which she had first appeared.

“Which one is it?” he asked softly as Ivory nuzzled closer to him for warmth. She must be really weak, he thought, just a moment ago she could have bitten my head off. Was she simply running on anger? Or does it get worse later? Alekczander followed the direction she pointed to about two doors down. When he tried to carry her up the steps to her front door she frowned. “You’re sick.” He told her, suddenly worried for the fragile life he held in his arms. “Let me carry you inside. I can sense no one is home.”

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