Chapter 5: To Tell or Not To Tell

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“Ivory, during these ‘blackouts’ can you remember any strange dreams or something?” he bent closer as he inhaled her scent, trying to prove to himself that she was indeed mortal. She simply looked at him questioningly, her chocolate eyes sparkling. Ivory pondered this for a moment. Did she have dreams when she blacked out? She couldn’t remember anything but darkness, and the cold. It was always so cold; it froze her lungs and scraped her throat.

“Not unless you count being cold… I can never remember anything when I wake up… Is that bad?” Ivory’s voice was beginning to fade as weariness slowly overcame her. She could feel the cold icy fingers of unconsciousness reaching out for her. A shiver involuntarily escaped her and continued down her spine.

“Do you want me to stay with you, keep guard incase that other ‘perp’ comes back?” Alekczander offered, half-jokingly. He wasn’t quite sure why he felt so protective of this girl, but he was sure of one thing. He wanted her, more than he had wanted anything in a very long time.

“Why would I want a blood sucker watching me sleep?” she smirked at him with half lidded eyes. She really didn’t mind the idea of him staying with her; in fact it made her feel safer, but she just met the guy.  Drowsy and unsure of herself she asked, “Why is it?”

“Why is what?” Alekczander was intrigued by his little human. Since when is she mine? He thought to himself, questioningly.

“Why is it I feel like I know you? That I can trust you?”

“Why do I feel drawn to you?” he leaned closer, brushing his lips across her jugular. He could hear her heart beat quicken as he inhaled her scent. Humans smelt of sunshine and deceit. Vampires smelt of death and darkness. She smelt of moonlight and honesty. Just who was she, really?

His teeth gently grazed her skin, eliciting a soft gasp from her lips. It took every ounce of strength not to sink his fangs into her incredibly soft skin. He pulled away earning a whimper from her. She pulled him close again, she refused to let go this time.

            “This time?” she asked aloud. What had she meant? Alekczander stared at her, bewilder. Here he was letting a mortal hold him and she goes off and says something weird.

“What?” he inquired. She wasn’t making sense, was it the blackout coming on? No, it was something else. She seemed just as confused as he felt, maybe even more.

“Why do I feel as if I’ve lost you before?” Ivory’s eyes were wide and filled with a questioning fear. He hated to see her like this, but why? Why was he letting her affect him like this? This feeling was so familiar and yet alien. A burning, yearning filled him every time she so much as glanced at him. He had just met the girl! And she was mortal at that! Still, he kept feeling as if he had known her before; a long, long time ago.

“I don’t know. But I also feel as if I’ve known you before. Perhaps we met in a past life?” why did his voice tremble slightly when he spoke of the past? Had he lost someone? In truth, although she did not know, he had lost someone. That someone resembled her to a frightening degree. But she was dead, even if she hadn’t been mortal.

“Alekczander, can you stay with me? I don’t want to be alone, I’m afraid I won’t wake up.” He could sense how much effort it took for Ivory to admit defeat in such a manner. But fear won, fear always won. Ivory stared at him pleadingly with her dark chocolate eyes, begging almost. He couldn’t understand this human. Did she have some kind of mental disorder or something? Was she bipolar? Or did she really think she was going to die?

“I’m here. I’m right here, Ivy. I won’t leave until you ask me too.” His voice was soft, soothing. Why was he acting this way? “I’m telling you it’s because she looks like her. Stop being so stubborn and except it.” The voice inside him growled. Shut up! Ivy is not her! If I can except that why can’t you?! Alekczander screamed at the voice.

“Ivy?” a confused look crossed Ivory’s face. She was almost gone now, slowly slipping away into the darkness.

“It’s my new name for you, Ivy. A nickname for a crazy neighbor.”

“Just a neighbor? You’re too kind Alec.” She mumbled before finally falling into the darkest reassesses of her mind.

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