Chapter Eight

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Parker ended the call from his line, so I set my phone back on my dresser. We've been together for a month now, and things have been decent. We have our issues, but keep them between us. One thing I noticed is that he can be selfish. He just canceled on me to exchange our Christmas gifts until after the holiday because this morning he decided last minute that he wants to hang out with his church friends today. Fine then!

I left my room, stormed down the stairs and found Mama Tinz in the kitchen, singing to herself and baking. The college gives them the time off for holidays when the students aren't on campus during the longer breaks. She finished working until after the new year the day before yesterday. She spotted me and the scowl on my face and frowned.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Parker canceled. He's like I'm going with my church buddies to do this, should be home by four then dinner is at seven. If you want to come over during t hat time, you can."

"I'm sorry he's such a jerk sometimes. Wendy said Cate is going to Francesca's house, why don't you see if you can go over there too?"

"I could text Francesca and see if she invites me. I see how they are when Tammy tries to invite herself. If they can't stand her, I don't know why they tolerate her."

"Girl, it's senior year. I wouldn't try to break down and analyze the friendship dynamic. Just ride the wave."

Mama Tina started moving her body like a wave with the last sentence, causing me to laugh. I sat in a chair at the table and she got back to baking, singing the Christmas Carol belting out the TV speakers. I pulled out my phone and found my text thread with Francesca, right below the one with Parker.

Me: hey girl. You won't believe it, but Parker bailed again.
Francesca: No way!! What a tool!
Me; kinda low key blows tho
Francesca: why don't you come over? Cate && Tammy are here.
Me: kk! Be there soon!

I looked up from my phone with a grin. Francesca has quickly become my best friend. It took me fighting with Parker during one of her splits with Nick, but we became extremely close really quickly. She's also given me a lot of clothes like Katie did the day I moved in. It's safe to day I'll need another suitcase or two if I have to move. I know I can't stay in this house forever, it's only until I turn eighteen.

"Francesca invited me over." I announced.

"Do you need a ride there?" Mama Tina asked.

"For you to bundle up, warm up the car and drive me there, it'll be quicker to walk."

"You are probably right. Have fun."

I nodded, ran up the stairs and put on my snow gear. It's not snowing today, but it still is freezing outside. Coat, beanie, gloves, snow boots. I grabbed my phone and wallet, shoved them in my pockets and said my goodbyes to Mama Tina. All of us except for Parker live in about a three block radius of each other which is pretty cool.

When I made it to her brick three story house, I knocked on the door. Since it's just her and her sister, her sister took over the second floor and she took over the third. One thing different about her house is the staircase runs up the right side and takes you to the top, with a landing to turn off to the second floor of course. Francesca opened the door and hugged me.

"Get in here and take that snow gear off!" She exclaimed.

"Don't have to ask me twice." I sighed.

"The girls are upstairs."

I nodded. She shut the door behind me and pointed at the coat rack. I took all my snow gear off and hung it up. Once I was stable, she grabbed my hand and drug me up to the third floor. Tammy and Cate were sitting on her California king bed.

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