Chapter Nine

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Francesca pulled into Parker's yard while laying on her horn. Parker has been MIA for the past week so Shane, Tammy, Francesca and I decided to drive out to his house and make sure he's okay. When she parked in yard, we noticed all the vehicles were gone.

"Where could they all be?" Shane asked.

"You tell us, you're his best friend." Francesca replied in a sarcastic yet playful tone.

"That I am. Last year his family went out of town for Christmas, but he didn't ghost us all either."

"I'm surprised he ghosted me. I know it's only been a month, but damn. At least let a bitch know if you're leaving town." I sighed.

"I agree. Whatever. Do you guys want to play in the yard? There's a hill out back we can roll down." Shane suggested.

"Are we allowed to do that?" Tammy asked.

"I'm his best friend, I can do what I want."

Francesca shrugged and shut off the engine. "Nick and I are fighting anyway, so I have nothing better to do."

"Why are you fighting?" I asked.

"Because he didn't come see me when he got home from his trip. It's been two days."

"Makes me appreciate being single. Holidays have been less stressful." Tammy sighed.

We all got out of her car and followed Shane to the backyard. I hate admitting this, but I have a crush on Shane. His blue eyes capture your soul and he can always make me laugh no matter what. He and I have more in common than Parker and I do. We both love photography and could talk about it for hours while Parker doesn't even try to show interest. It's a harmless attraction and while I'm still dating Parker, I won't let it progress.

When we made it to the hill Shane and I both immediately ran and rolled down it, laughing. Francesca and Tammy stayed standing at the top of the hill. Shane and I got up and grinned at each other.

"We should push them down the hill." He whispered.

"You got Tammy?" I whispered back.

"Yes. Let's go."

We ran up the hill, snuck behind them and pushed them down the hill. They screamed while we erupted in laughter.

"I'm going to kill you both!" Francesca yelled.

"No you won't!" We taunted back.

They climbed back up the hill, Tammy out of breath. We looked around, deciding what to do next. I looked up at Parker's cabin style two-story home that his parents built themselves. They have a large garage and the apartment above it belongs to his uncle. Then the property across the street belongs to another uncle! The guys are all brothers and wanted to stay together. Seeing family like that truly amazes me.

"Let's build things in the snow." I suggested.

"Like what?" Tammy asked. "My hands are cold, so maybe I'll watch out for if anyone shows up."

"You sit everything out." Francesca sighed.

Tammy shrugged and found a place to sit. The three of us looked around.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" I sang.

"Let's go running down the halls!" Shane belted out.

"Oh my God, you got him started." Francesca sighed.

"I will hit the door, hit the floor, draw snowflakes on the walls!" I sang.

"You're just as bad as he is." Francesca sighed.

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