broken family²

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[ madalen duke : how villains are made ]
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""no one ever starts that way"

"one tells the truth, the other's lying"

"who's neck to cut? i don't know."


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Zoe stares out the window, unblinking. She watches as her father gets into the car. He was leaving. Throwing his bags in and getting into the car. He turns towards the house, glancing back one last time. He notices Zoe looking out of her bedroom window. He gives a sad smile before getting into the car and driving away. Mrs Kim sits in the lounge, head in her hands. Her body racks with sobs as she hugs herself. Her muffled crying echoing through the quiet house.

He left. The fighting no longer filling the house like white noise. No doors slamming and dishes be being thrown. The silence eerie as her mom wails for days on end. Days later, she served him divorce papers. Finding out he was cheating with one of her best friends.

Maureen Prescott. Sidney Prescott's mom.

Zoe didn't understand what was happening. One day, her parents were happy and in love. Then the next, they're screaming at one another. Objects flying around the house towards the other person. Vile words like a slap in the face. Then, the crying and avoidance. They acted like strangers. It was odd. The change was sudden. Zoe Kim didn't do well with change.

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