chicks and flicks⁹

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[ bon jovi ; you give love a bad name ]

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ZOE THREW OPEN her locker, noticing a few missing items. Eyeing the little sleeve, she saw one of the lighters missing. Billy must have come by. Humming to herself before putting the books she didn't need into the locker. 

Tatum appeared right behind Zoe's locker, making her jump a little. She gasped, putting a hand on her chest. Tatum laughed, apologizing a little bit. Zoe playfully hit the blonde's arm, shaking her head in mock anger.

"Did you hear the freaky shit that happened to Sid?" Tatum asked the brunette in shock. Zoe looked at her in confusion, shaking her head. 

"Some assholes attacked her in the bathroom, chasing her around and shit. She was in the office earlier, reporting it." Inside, Zoe wanted to laugh. She heard the screams and running but couldn't help but want to laugh at the whole thing. 

Why in the world would the killers strike in such a place? During school hours anyway...To each their own I guess.

On the outside, Zoe looked shocked and concerned, "Oh shit...Is she okay? I mean, her mom's murder and-" 

Tatum pulled Zoe into a tight hug, seeing how overwhelmed and down the girl looked. The whole situation brought back some trauma from what happened with her dad. 

After the ordeal with Sid and Tatum, the couple stood by Stu's car. Zoe leaned against Stu's car. Her bag squished behind her. She watched the blue-eyed boy trying to figure him out. Stu smiled at what looked like an accomplishment. The cogs in his brain were at work as he looked zoned out. A glint in his eyes reminded Zoe of when she was chasing a kill. Narrowing her eyes for a second, she let her brain work. Shaking it off, she pulled her boyfriend back to Earth.

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