motive? ¹²

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WHILST BILLY TAUNTED Sidney, Zoe made a quick trip to the bathroom. All of the beer and water caught up to her. She returns to see that the group had left the foyer. Hearing their voices in the kitchen. She takes out a cigarette and places it between her lips - searching for a lighter. Not finding it, she huffs. Billy gave his to her earlier and she lost it somehow. Holding the cigarette in her hand, she tsked.

Might as well get involved now. Zoe starts to whistle a tune as she stands, walking up behind Stu into the kitchen. She looks at the body on the floor, a small frown on her lips. Blood pooling on the floor as the body lays stiff. Sure, she heard and saw everything but poor Randy. Gunshot wounds are not fun.

"It's all part of the game, Sid-" Stu is cut off. The click of her heeled boots gains their attention as she hums.

"Aw no, not my baby Randall."

The three whip their heads in her direction. The boys' faces are a picture of horror and surprise. Sid looks hopeful at the sight of a new yet familiar face.

"Zoe! Help! They're the killers!" The poor girl screams in terror.

Hoping Zoe can calm them down or get the boys to let them go. Oh, how unfortunate for Sidney. Zoe simply ignores her, humming as she surveys the scene.

"He should be fine though - he followed two of three rules." She continues her train of thought and walks over to Billy, who has Dewey's gun in hand.

Zoe pulls his arm close to her face and lifts his left hand curiously. He doesn't say anything, just watching her like prey. She slowly brings his hand up to her lips and places a finger in her mouth.

"Hm," She knew there was no way it was real blood. She looks up at Billy, releasing his finger.

"Corn syrup. Yummy," Licking her lips as she speaks.

His mouth agape as he gazes at her. She looked like an angel to him. A twisted fallen angel but, an angel no less. Sid screws up her face in disgust, feeling sick to her stomach watching the pair look so intimate. Unphased by the current situation. As if they'd done this many times. Then it hit her. That fucking whistle.

"You..." Sid breathes out as she looks at Zoe in shock, recognition evident. Zoe and Billy's little daze is broken as the girl looks over at Sid over her shoulder.

The whistle she has been hearing ever since the night her mother was murdered. She thought it was the person who murdered her mother - presumed to be Cotton Weary at the time. Occasionally, Sid would hear the whistle out of nowhere, during breakfast, on the way to school, whenever Billy tried to initiate things...It was everywhere and nowhere. She thought it was just part of the post-traumatic stress.

Zoe had been looking out of her window that night, bored out of her mind. She supposed that something interesting would come of people-watching since she couldn't go out and murder anyone. 'Woodsboro residents are off-limits, I don't feel like moving' was Nala's response when she saw her daughter walking towards the garage. So, Zoe stuck to people-watching because she had no desire to drive that night.

And boy was she glad she decided not to drive into another town. Because next door, Cotton Weary left the Prescott household with a content smile. Like the cheating whore she was, Maureen Prescott walked around her bedroom in her lingerie.

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