boyfriend¹ [edited]

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a year ago, 1995.

dove cameron : boyfriend
¹:¹⁷─⊙────── ³:⁴¹

" what're the chances,
and everyone's dancing and he's not with you "

" leave with me tonight "

" thinking i'm gonna steal you from him "

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chapter one :


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3rd person pov

january, 1995

Zoe stands in the kitchen with a red cup in hand as her eyes skim the party. Teenagers dancing wildly and some terribly in the living room. Drinks and cups litter the surfaces. A group of smokers in the corner passing around a blunt as smoke filled the air around them. The stench of weed drifting into the room. People making out in random spots of the house. Some having sex in the guest rooms. Randy and his little group talking about films. A typical Stu Macher party. Her childhood friend hosts parties all the time. This party wasn't any different. It's a known fact at Woodsboro High that there's a part at the Macher residence every other weekend. His parents are usually vacationing in Tampa or on business trips so they leave the house to Stu. Discarding the empty cup on the table, Zoe pushes herself off the counter top and joined the group of dancing teenagers in the living room.

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