Chapter 15 - Flash Backs

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It was the same nightmare as before.

There were cries from the other room, and she was sitting with a group of men who all were trying to ignore it. Her father was there, pacing the floor and running his hands through his hair constantly. "It's going to be fine Rancher" said one of them. It was a scarred man with very long blonde hair. "But what if something..." She realized that she was sitting on the lap of one of them. He watched her play with the toy in her hand, and chuckled when she said something funny. Now, he moved her so that she was sitting on the couch. "Cub... she's going to be...." she could now see the man, he was missing an eye, and there were tattoos on his face. 

Her father seemed to calm down. "All.... all right... He nodded slowly, and moved to sit beside her. "Hey, Luna, you're gonna have a baby brother after this" she looked up at him, and grinned. "What's his name?" she asked, excited. Her father chuckled. "You're mothers going to decide... What do you think his name will be?" he asked, smiling down at his daughter. "Hm.... I think Bobby's a nice name" A few of the others stifled their laughs. "What's so funny?" Luna asked. Her father chuckled again. "Nothing darling... though I don't think your mother will name him Bobby"

It took a while, but finally her Aunt Ilea entered the room, a glum look on her face Madam Telma was behind her, a small bundle in her arms. "Link..." Ilea's voice cracked. "What happened?" asked her Uncle Shad, who had turned away from his own children and towards her. "This is your daughter" said Telma, voice tight and strained. His eyes widened, and then softened as he held the little girl. "What's her name?" he asked, gently kissing her forehead. "We think... you should name... her..." Ilea was trying to hold herself together. "What? Why?" asked her father, looking between the two. 

"Just name her already" Telma snapped, embracing the younger woman. Shad got up and tried to help, but was only pushed away by Telma. Luna's father seemed a bit stunned. "But she said..." he was cut off. "JUST NAME HER!" the poor girl awoke and started to cry. "Shh... Shh... It's okay... darling it's okay..." he promised. "Well, if you insist... I think I'll name her..." he looked at the older man with the missing eye, and smiled. "I think I'll name her Malon... If that's okay with you Old Man" the older man smiled and nodded. "So she can't be Bobby..." Luna pouted. "No... she can't be Bobby" her father laughed. 

"Link..." Ilea looked up at him, tears filling her eyes, and she realized something was wrong. "You should let Sir Time hold her Link" Telma warned. He raised an eyebrow, but obeyed. "Link.... Andy... Your wife... she died in childbirth" For a moment, everything was still, Luna didn't know what to say. What did she mean? Was her mother really.... She heard herself wail, burying her head into her father's arm, but it all seemed so far away. He stood up slowly. "No... No.... You're lying" he accused Ilea, pushing past them roughly and walking into the room. Luna hurried after him, ignoring "Sir Time" who tried to stop her. Sure enough, her mother was lying there, cold and lifeless. "Daddy?" she asked, looking at Link, who was sobbing over her wife's body. "It isn't fair...." he muttered, sobbing again. He turned to her then. 

"Luna... I'm so sorry..." 


When Luna woke up, she was sobbing. 

Everything was blurry at first, but it cleared up, and she saw a wooden ceiling above her. 

"I'm glad you're finally awake" said a voice beside her. Luna realized at once it was the voice of the girl from the night before. The girl who had killed....

She turned quickly, fist clenched in a punch. The young woman ducked under the blow, bending backwards and regaining her balance with ease. "You...." she launched herself from the bed and at the girl, who once again moved away from her blows. "You killed him! You killed the Hero of Time...." the girl caught Luna's fist in her hand and placed a hand over her mouth. "Stop that, you'll wake up everyone!" she hissed. 

"Well, maybe I should. I don't listen to murderers" Luna growled, going to bite the girl's arm with her surprisingly sharp teeth. "I'm not a murderer" the girl moved away from her. "I was lying when I said that.... that thing... It's after the Heroes of Hyrule, and we need to keep it away from them and the rest of Hyrule. Trust me Luna... please?" Luna looked up at the girl, still glaring, but relaxed after a moment. "Alright... Alright.... What's your name? I'm Luna obviously" her voice was strained, but she did her best to force a smile. "I'm Saria Lonlon, but everyone calls me Kokiri" 

"Lonlon... you mean like the Hero of Time?"

"Yeah, the one and only" the girl grumbled, swinging a giant, blue, sheathed sword over her back. "But you can't be the Hero of Time, you're too young, and you're a girl!" Kokiri threw her head back, laughing. "No, I'm not the Hero of Time... I'm his daughter, and that boy you met yesterday, Leo, is the son of the Hero of Legends" she explained. Luna gave her a skeptical look, but nodded all the same. "So... are there more of us?" Kokiri nodded. "Yeah, while you were unconscious we met Linkle, the Daughter of the Hero of the Wild; Wilbur and Orville, the Hero of the Sky's sons; and Carlos, the Hero of the Four Sword's son"

Luna looked confused again. "I could have sworn there were more..." Kokiri once again nodded. "We've yet to meet any child born of the Heroes of Wind, Warriors, or Hyrule. Perhaps they didn't have any..." she shook her head, and started making the bed. "We're leaving for the Hero of Legend's house. We hope that he can help us with what has happened. It's your choice if you wish to come with us. Though I would prefer if you did" Luna looked around, staring out the window at the town, which seemed to be as if it had never been attacked. "Yes... of course, I would like to come with you all" It had been some time since she'd seen any of the Heroes of Hyrule.... Not since.... She shook her head.

"Saria...." said a voice from the door. "Oh, Leo, you're up. Good. Is Lady Linkle up... and the others?" asked Kokiri turning to face the red haired boy. He nodded, looking at Luna. "Yeah, they're up... Are we going to see my father today" she nodded and headed towards the door, motioning for Luna to grab her stuff and follow. She quickly grabbed her wolf pelt, bag, and necklace before heading out the door. "How did you..." she started, touching the dark crystal, but cut herself off before Kokiri could hear. They walked into the main room of the inn and sat down at a table with four other Hylians. There was a blonde haired girl with braids in her hair, two blonde haired, dark skinned boys who looked exactly alike, and a boy with what looked like a miny person on his shoulder. 

"Ah, so you're finally awake" said the girl, sitting up a bit straighter as breakfast was brought to them. "I'm Princess Linkle Wilde, and these are my accomplices, Carlos Colors, and Orville and Wilbur Skyloft" she introduced them all. "It's nice to meet you all" she said, smiling and shaking each of their hands. "Yes... nice to meet you as well..." said Linkle, she was looking at the door as three people walked in, all wearing odd clothing that reminded her to much of.... "Well crap...."

"What?" asked Kokiri, turning to look over at them. "Well, I think we've found the rest of them"

"You mean there..."

"They must be... The son and daughters of the heroes of Hyrule" 

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